Time: 2021-09-10 | Counts: |
Prediction of geothermal recoverable amount in Wenquan town of Ruzhou city based on Modflow and time series method
ZUO Wei1, LIU Yuntao1, LI Jianlin2, WANG Shuwei2
1.No., Zhengzhou 450001 , Henan, China;2.Institute of Resources & Environment, Henan Polytechnic University ,Jiaozuo 454000 , Henan, China
Abstract:As a renewable new energy source which is shallow buried , easy to develop and clean , shallow geo-thermal resources are widely distributed in the plains of central and eastern China. In order to accurately pre-dict the recoverable amount of shallow geothermal , Wenquan town in Ruzhou city ,Henan province was taken as an example. Combining the results of shallow geothermal reservoir simulated by 3D visualization ground waterflow modeling software Visual Modflow with the geothermal recoverable amount calculated by conventional timeseries method , the main advantages and disadvantages of the two methods were deeply discussed , and the maxi-mum recoverable amount of geothermal fluid in the study area was predicted to be between 2 400 ~3 432 m3/d. The results provided an important reference for the sustainable development and utilization of local geothermal resources , and it showed that the application of numerical simulation method in the exploration and analysis of shallow geothermal had positive value.
Key words:shallow geothermal;mineable forecast;Visual Modflow;time series method;Ruzhou wenquan town