>> 自然科学版期刊 >> 2016年06期 >> 正文
基于Rough set的采空区地面塌陷危险性评价
供稿: 冯有利;罗清威 时间: 2018-11-14 次数:



摘要:为掌握各因素对采空区地面塌陷危险性评价的不同影响以及部分因素之间存在的联系,采用Rough set理论对采空区地面塌陷危险性进行评价。该理论具有强大的数据挖掘和知识发现能力,把属性集合中的相关性弱以及重要性差的属性删除,从而能构建相对客观可靠的评价模型。以平煤八矿采空区地面塌陷为例,根据野外调查资料,对其采空区地面塌陷进行危险性评价,结果与实际调查情况基本吻合,表明Rough set理论在评价采空区地面塌陷危险性方面是适用的。


关键词:采空区;地面塌陷;危险性评价;Rough set;



Abstract:In order to grasp the different influence degree of various factors on the risk assessment of ground collapse in mined out area and a link between some factors,Rough set was adopted to evaluate the risk of ground collapse in mined out area. The theory has strong ability of data mining and knowledge discovery,and the core idea is knowledge reduction. That is,the theory can delete the attributes of the weak and the poor in the collection attributes,and then build the objective and reliable evaluation model. Taking the goaf surface subsidence information of the No. 8 Mine of Pingdingshan Tian'an Coal Mining Corp. Ltd as example,combining with the field survey data,the goaf surface subsidence is evaluated. Evaluation result is close to the fact,therefore,it is feasible to evaluate the risk of goaf surface subsidence by using the Rough set.
