>> 自然科学版期刊 >> 2018年05期 >> 正文
供稿: 余永强;梁严午;褚怀保;姚智慧 时间: 2018-09-29 次数:



摘要:为了弥补FLAC3D针对复杂工况及在特殊结构有限元模型建立过程中存在的不足,探究前处理功能强大的MIDAS GTS NX软件与FLAC3D软件耦合建模新方法。采用Visual Basic语言编写了MIDAS GTS NX到FLAC3D的模型转换接口程序,对从MIDAS GTS NX软件导出的节点和单元信息进行编辑修改,生成可供FLAC3D识别的*.flac3d文件。郑州地铁5号线京广南站双线隧道净距小、隧道断面大、下穿既有公路隧道,主隧道采用CRD工法开挖,支护结构采用包括超前管棚、临时钢支撑在内的多种形式。基于该工程实例,将在MIDAS GTS NX软件中建立的模型成功导入到FLAC3D中,同时对比数值模拟结果与现场监测数据,验证了该建模方法的可行性及数值计算结果的准确性。


关键词:有限元模型;模型转换;FLAC3D;MIDAS GTS NX;接口程序;

Abstract:In order to fix limitations of FLAC3Din building the finite element model for complex environment and specific structures, a new coupling method of MIDAS GTS NX and FLAC3Dwas put forward. The transition program between modules was compiled by using interface program of Visual Basic. It could modify the node and unit data from MIDAS GTS NX software and creat a *. flac3d file which can be imported to FLAC3D. A twin-track tunnel in Jingguangnan station of Zhengzhou No. 5 subway has such characteristics as little gabarit, large cross section and drills through underneath a highway tunnel. The main tunnel was excavated by CRD method and support forms were pilot pipes and steel arch support. Taking Zhengzhou No. 5 subway as an example, a model was built based on the engineering, and the transition from MIDAS GTS NX to FLAC3Dwas successful. The comparison of the calculation results and the field monitoring demonstrated the feasibility and accuracy of the transition method.


