>> 自然科学版期刊 >> 2018年05期 >> 正文
供稿: 张长合;李国栋;韦四江 时间: 2018-09-29 次数:



摘要:赵固二矿-800 m水平巷道和硐室围岩属于典型的工程地质软岩,具有工程地质条件复杂、地应力高、围岩流变性强等特点,一般的锚网索喷+被动支护易被各个击破,造成巷道和硐室返修次数多、维修工程量大。在借鉴"新奥法"中二次支护思想的基础上,提出"一次锚杆+锚索+钢梁强力支护,二次围岩注浆改性,三次双层工字钢棚,四次喷射混凝土"的支护方案,实现主动支护与被动支护协调作用。蠕变数值模拟表明:锚网喷支护条件下,3 a时硐室断面收敛量达到30%,变形量大、变形速率高;主被动联合支护方案能够有效地控制围岩变形,5 a时变形速率<0.05 mm/d。现场工业性试验表明,施工2 a后,硐室表面最大位移为28 mm,变形速率<0.20 mm/d,锚索作用范围内岩体完整性较好,硐室围岩得到了有效控制。



Abstract:Horizontal tunnel and surrounding rock of chamber within-800 m mining level of Zhaogu No. 2 coal mine are typical engineering and geophysical soft rock, They have such characteristics as complex engineering geologic condition, high geostress, high rheology rate, etc. Common supports such as anchorage and passive steel bracket might be easily destroyed one by one. So the chamber was rebuilt one or more times. Multiple supports were promoted based on New Austrian Tunneling Method. The primary support was including bolt, cable, beam strong support. The secondary support was adjacent rock grouting. The third support was double layer universal beam bracket. The fourth support was sprayed concrete. With above supports, passive and active supports could be harmonized. Creep numerical simulation showed that with the common supports the section convergence rate was 30% during 3 years, and the displacement of the chamber was large, the deformation rate was also higher. But deformation of the chamber could be controlled with passive and active support, and the deformation rate was less than 0. 05 mm per day. Field investigation showed that the largest surface deformation was only 28 mm after 2 year, and the deformation rate was less than 0. 20 mm per day. Therefore, rock mass integrality is fine in anchorage zone of cable, adjacent rock of the chamber was controlled in good condition.


