时间: 2023-07-10 | 次数: |
黄北海, 罗绍河.煤层顶板含水层注浆改造施工技术研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2022,41(4):13-20.
HUANG B H, LUO S H.Study on grouting reconstruction technology of aquifer in coal seam roof[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2022,41(4):13-20.
黄北海1, 罗绍河2
1.焦作煤业(集团)有限责任公司,河南 焦作454002;2.河南理工大学 资源环境学院,河南 焦作 454000
摘要:为了消除采煤工作面顶板含水层水灾威胁,以洛阳郑兴宿煤煤业有限公司2103工作面顶板含水层注浆改造工程为例,利用大面积注浆改造技术对煤层顶板含水层进行注浆改造,使其成为隔水层或弱含水层。依据《煤矿防治水细则》,通过数值计算并结合现场试验设计钻孔结构、钻孔注浆段高、钻孔平面布置形式、钻孔注浆压力、终孔注浆量、注浆覆盖范围和注浆材料配方,采用地面造浆、钻孔分段注浆和全段高压注浆填充工艺,对采煤工作面顶板薄基岩上部砾石层富水区进行注浆。该方法能有效改造采煤工作面顶板含水性,将其改造成弱含水层 阻断顶板含水层水源侧向和垂向补给,实现了安全开采,并将煤层顶板薄基岩开采厚度缩减到5 m,为类似薄基岩顶板条件下的煤炭开采提供参考。
Study on grouting reconstruction technology of aquifer in coal seam roof
HUANGBeihai 1, LUOShaohe 2
1.Jiaozuo Coal Industry Group Limited Liability Company, Jiaozuo 454002 , Henan, China, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000 , Henan, China;2.Institute of Resources and Environment, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000 , Henan, China
Abstract: Taking the grouting reconstruction of coal seam roof aquifer in 2103 working face of Luoyang Zhengxingsumei coal industry Co.,Ltd. as an example, the large-area grouting reconstruction technology was used to reconstruct the aquifer on thin bedrock of coal seam roof into aquiclude or weak aquifer ,so as to eliminate the water threat to the mining face. According to the “Detailed Rules for Coal Mine Water Prevention and Control”, through numerical calculation and field test, the drilling structure , stage height of grouting, drilling plane layout,grouting pressure control,final hole grouting volume standard, grouting coverage and grouting material formula were designed. The technologies of ground producing slurry ,drilling sectional grouting and high-pressure grouting and filling were adopted to grout and fill the water-rich area of gravel layer above thin bedrock of coal mining face roof. This method effectively reconstructed the upper aquifer of thin bedrock of coal seam roof into weak aquifer ,and blocked the lateral and vertical recharge of water source in the upper aquifer of thin bedrock of coal seam roof. Using the grouting reconstruction technology of coal seam roof aquifer, the threat of pore water in the upper part of aquifer of thin bedrock of coal seam roof to the mining face was eliminated,and the expected safety goal was achieved. The mining thickness of thin bedrock of coal seam roof was reduced to 5 m,which provided effective for coal mining under the condition of thin bedrock of the same type ofcoalseam roof.
Key words:coal seam roof;thin bedrock;aquifer;drilling structure;stage height of grouting;grouting reconstruction