时间: 2023-07-10 | 次数: |
LI F C.Pickling technology in the wet purification process of sodium reduction high specific capacity tantalum powder[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2022,41(4):176-180.
1.西北稀有金属材料研究院 稀有金属特种材料国家重点实验室,宁夏 石嘴山 753000;2.国家钽铌特种金属材料工程技术研究中心,宁夏 石嘴山 753000;3.中色(宁夏)东方集团有限公司 宁夏东方钽业股份有限公司,宁夏 石嘴山 753000
摘要:为了降低钽粉中各化学杂质含量,提高纯度和品质,以钠还原得到的金属钽粉(一次原 生粒子)在湿法提纯处理时对不同酸洗工艺参数进行详细对比试验,根据设计的酸洗工艺路 线,在不同酸液质量分数,不同酸洗时间和不同酸液配比条件下,研究同一比容钽粉(FTa- 40K)对O、Fe、Ni等化学杂质的去除效果。结果表明:酸液质量分数Φ =(10 ±0. 1)%的HNO3、 Φ =(1.5 ±0. 1)%的 HF,酸洗溶液体积比 比 V(HNO3) : V(HF)=10.8:1,酸洗时间 150 ±2 min 为最佳化学酸洗工艺参数,可为高比容钽粉的研发生产提供理论参考。
基金项目:宁夏回族自治区自然科学基金项目(2019AAC03284);国家863计划项目(2012BAE06B03 )
Pickling technology in the wet purification process of sodium reduction high specific capacity tantalum powder
LI Fucheng 1,2,3
1.State Key Laboratory of Rare Metal Special Materials, Northwest Rare Metal Materials Research Institute, Shizuishan 753000,Ningxia,China;2.National Engineering Research Center of Antalum and Niobium Materials,Shizuishan 753000,Ningxia,China;3.Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry Co., Ltd.,CNMC Ningxia Orient Group Co., Ltd.,Shizuishan 753000,Ningxia,China
Abstract: In order to reduce the content of various chemical impurities in tantalum powder, and to improve the powder purity and quality ,after the metal tantalum powder after sodium reduction ( primary particles ) was processed through wet purification processing experiment with different pickling process parameters.According to the designed pickling process , the removal effects of the same volume of tantalum powder (FTa-40K) in differ- ent acid concentration, under the condition of different time and different ratio of acid pickling of O、Fe、Ni chemical impurities were studied. The results showed that the mixed acid concentration of Φ =(10 ±0. 1)%(HNO3)、Φ =(1.5 ±0. 1)% (HF),the ratio of acid that HNO3: HF=10.8:1 ,pickling time as (150±2)min, were the optimum chemical pickling process parameters. It provided theory for research and production of high specific capacity tantalum powder.
Key words:high specific capacity tantalum powder;wet purification;pickling technology;impurty content