时间: 2023-07-10 | 次数: |
程雪利, 陆志成, 安林超.基于试验对标法的轿车行李箱扭杆耐久性研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2022,41(4):101-106.
CHENG X L, LU Z C, AN L C,et al.Study on durability of car trunk torsion bar based on test benchmarking method[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2022,41(4):101-106.
程雪利1, 陆志成2, 安林超1
1.河南工学院 机械工程系,河南 新乡453000;2.神龙汽车有限公司技术中心,湖北 武汉 430056
摘要:针对轿车行李箱在耐久性试验中出现的扭杆断裂失效问题,分析识别影响扭杆CAE仿真结果的参数:网格类型、网格尺寸大小、扭杆驱动方式及连接方式等。通过试验对标,建立有效的扭杆有限元分析模型;提出多种扭杆结构优化方案,对不同优化方案进行CAE计算及优化迭代分析,得出优化圆角过渡区域+增加扭杆自由扭转角是最优方案。对最优方案的CAE 分析结果和试验结果进行对标,结果表明:优化后的扭杆满足人机操作性能的要求和启闭5万次的耐久目标性能,其改进设计方法对类似结构优化设计具有参考意义。
Study on durability of car trunk torsion bar based on test benchmarking method
CHENG Xueli1, LU Zhicheng2, AN Linchao1
1.Department of Mechanical Engineering, Henan Institute of Technology ,Xinxiang 453000 , Henan, China;2.Technology Center,Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile Company Ltd. , Wuhan 430056 , Hubei, China
Abstract:In view of the fracture failure of the torsional rod in the durability test of the car,the parameters such as the grid type ,the size of the grid, the drive way of torsion bar and the connection mode,etc. , which affecting the CAE simulation results, were analyzed and identified. An effective torsion bar finite element analysis model was established by test benchmarks. Several structure optimization schemes of torsion bar were proposed,and the CAE calculation and optimization iterative analysis were carried out for different optimization schemes. It was concluded that the scheme was the optimal one by optimizing the corner transition region and by increasing the torsion angle of torsion bar. The CAE analysis results and the test results of the optimal scheme were test benchmarked,the results showed that the optimized torsion bar met the requirements of man-machine operation and the durability target performance of 50 thousand times of opening and closing, and the improved design method had reference significance for similar structural optimization design.
Key words:test benchmarking;trunk torsion bar;durability;CAE