时间: 2023-07-10 | 次数: |
屈资喻, 黄朝志, 陈军,等.减小开关磁阻电机转矩脉动的九区间DITC控制策略[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2022,41(4):117-125.
QU Z Y, HUANG C Z, CHEN J,et al.Direct instantaneous torque control strategy at 9 regions for reducing torque ripple of switched reluctance motor[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2022,41(4):117-125.
屈资喻, 黄朝志, 陈军, 刘细平, 刘威
江西理工大学 电气工程与自动化学院,江西 赣州341000
摘要:针对开关磁阻电机(switched reluctance motor, SRM)在低速运行时转矩脉动大的问题,提出一种九区间直接瞬时转矩控制(direct instantaneous torque control, DITC)的改进方法。在估计SRM瞬时转矩和分析不对称驱动电路的三电平状态基础上,将两相交换区分成两部分,三相开关磁阻电机DITC由六个区域细分为九个区域。根据每部分产生转矩的特点,分别实施不同的滞环控制策略,以降低电机运行过程中特别是换相期间的转矩脉动。另外,在速度环中,将PI控制和模糊PD控制结合构成模糊PID控制器,改善系统响应时间和超调量等动态特性。最后,建立MATLAB/Simulink仿真验证模型,仿真结果证明了本文控制方法的有效性。
Direct instantaneous torque control strategy at 9 regions for reducing torque ripple of switched reluctance motor
QU Ziyu, HUANG Chaozhi, CHEN Jun, LIU Xiping, LIU Wei
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341000,Jiangxi,China
Abstract: To solve the serious torque ripple of switched reluctance motor (SRM) at low speed,an improved method of nine regions direct instantaneous torque control ( DITC) was proposed. Based on the estimation of SRM instantaneous torque and the analysis of the three-level state of asymmetric drive circuit,the two-phase exchange region was divided into two parts,and the DITC of three-phase SRM was divided into nine regions from the original six regions. The different hysteresis control strategies were implemented to reduce the torque ripple during the operation of the motor according to the characteristics. In addition , in the speed loop,PI control and fuzzy PD control were combined to form a fuzzy PID controller,and the response time and overshoot of the system were improved. Finally,the simulation model of MATLAB/Simulink was established to prove the effectiveness of the proposed control method in this paper.
Key words:switched reluctance motor;direct instantaneous torque control;torque ripple reduction;nine regions hysteresis control