时间: 2023-07-10 | 次数: |
闫伟涛, 张朝辉, 陈震,等.山区地下深部临近采煤工作面地表沉陷规律研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2022,41(4):44-50.
YAN W T, ZHANG C H, CHEN Z, et al.Study on subsidence law of coal surface under combined action of adjacent mining in deep mountain area[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2022,41(4):44-50.
闫伟涛1, 张朝辉2, 陈震2, 陈俊杰1
1.河南理工大学 测绘与国土信息工程学院,河南 焦作454000;2.山西省煤炭地质114勘查院,山西 长治 046011
摘要:为了揭示山区地下深部临近采煤工作面地表沉陷规律,以晋城煤业某矿1310工作面为研究对象,采用实测研究方法分析地表动静态特殊沉陷规律。结果表明:山区地下深部临近采煤工作面地表移动盆地平底部分下沉值严重不对等,变形值也不再为0,上、下山方向下沉曲线拐点偏向煤柱上方一侧;走向边界角63.1°,走向移动角72.8°,走向拐点偏移距148 m,上山拐点偏移距-20 m,下山拐点偏移距-21 m。这是因为高反坡作用减弱了原有沉陷程度和沉陷范围,致使地表采动影响范围减小,边界角和移动角增大;临近采煤工作面则相反,增强了原有沉陷程度和沉陷范围,扩大了地表采动影响范围,致使移动变形曲线变缓,减小了拐点偏移距,拐点转移到煤柱上方,致使上、下山拐点偏移距为负值。研究成果可为类似条件下沉陷规律揭示与沉陷预测提供参考。
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(U1810203,51974105 );河南省科技攻关项目(212102310012);河南省高校重点科研项目 (20A440005);河南理工大学青年骨干教师资助计划项目(2019XQG-07);河南理工大学博士基金资助项目(B2017-07, B2019-3)
Study on subsidence law of coal surface under combined action of adjacent mining in deep mountain area
YANWeitao 1, ZHANGChaohui 2, CHENZhen 2, CHENJunjie 1
1.School of Surveying and Land Information Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000 , Henan, China;2.Shanxi No.114 Institute of Coal Geological Exploration, Changzhi 046011 , Shanxi, China
Abstract: To reveal the law of surface subsidence under the dual action of adjacent mining in deep mountain area, taking working face 1310 of Jincheng coal mine as an example, the dynamic and static special subsid- ence law of the surface was analyzed by using the method of field measurement. The results showed that the subsidence values of the flat bottom part of the surface movement basin of working face 1310 were seriously un- equal, and the deformation values were no longer zero. The strike limit angle was 63. 1°, and the strike angle of critical movement was 72.8°. The offset of strike inflection point was 148 m, the offset of uphill inflection point was -20 m, and the offset of downhill inflection point was -21 m. The high reverse slope reduced the original subsidence degree and subsidence scope, so the range of surface mining influence was reduced, and the limit angle and angle of critical deformation were increased. On the contrary, the adjacent mining increa- ses the original subsidence degree and subsidence scope,expanded the influence scope of surface mining, makes the movement deformation curve slow , reduced the inflection point offset, and transfered the inflection point to the top of coal pillar , resulting in the negative offset of inflection point. The research results could provide an example reference for similar conditions to reveal the law of subsidence and subsidence prediction.
Key words:high reverse slope;adjacent mining;deep mining;actual measured law;mining subsidence