时间: 2023-07-10 | 次数: |
戚书玮, 陈奇伯, 杨波,等.计划烧除对云南松林群落结构和物种多样性的影响研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2022,41(4):80-88.
QI S W, CHEN Q B, YANG B,et al.Effects study of prescribed burning on community structure and species diversity of Pinus yunnanensis forest[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2022,41(4):80-88.
戚书玮1, 陈奇伯1, 杨波1, 杨建光2, 黎建强1, 黄新会1
1.西南林业大学 生态与环境学院,云南 昆明650224;2.新平县林业和草原局,云南 玉溪 653400
摘要:为了揭示计划烧除对云南松林群落结构和物种多样性的影响,以云南省新平县照壁山连 计划烧除20年后恢复1年的云南松林地为研究对象,在计划烧除和未计划烧除区域各设置 4个20 m×20 m样地进行调查,对比分析计划烧除恢复1年后云南松林群落结构和物种多样性的变化。结果表明:(1)受计划烧除影响,云南松人工林物种组成中乔木层物种组成由8种下降到4种,灌木层由22种下降到11种,草本层由36种下降到27种;(2)计划烧除前后云南松平均树高(p=0. 12)、平均胸径(p=0.33)和平均枝下高(p=0.27)均无显著差异;(3)计划烧除对云南松人工林各层物种丰富度影响不同,其中云南松Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(p=0.06)、Simpson多样性指数(p=0.06)、乔木层物种丰富度(p=0.14)和草本层物种丰富度(p=0.68)均无显著差异,只有灌木层物种丰富度(p=0.002)显著下降。因此,计划烧除后云南松林物种多样性下降,其中,灌木层物种多样性下降显著,但对云南松生长无显著影响,故计划烧除可作为云南松林防火与经营方法。
Effects study of prescribed burning on community structure and species diversity of Pinus yunnanensis forest
QI Shuwei1, CHEN Qibo1, YANG Bo1, YANG Jianguang2, LI Jianqiang1, HUANG Xinhui1
1.School of Ecology and Environment,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China;2.Xinping County Forestry and Grassland Bureau,Yuxi 653400,Yunnan,China
Abstract: In order to seveal the impact of prescribed burning on the community structure and species diversity of Pinus yunnanensis forests, taking the Pinus yunnanensis forest restored for one year after prescribed burning for 20 years in Zhaobi mountain in Xinping County,Yunnan Province as the study object, four sample plots of 20 m ×20 m were set up in the prescribed and unprescribed burning areas to conduct sample surveys, analysis and comparison changes in the community structure and species diversity of Pinus yunnanensis forests after one year of prescribed burning and restoration. The results showed that:(1) The species composition of Pinus yunnanensis plantation was changed from 8 species to 4 species in the arbor layer, 22 species to 11 species in the shrub layer, and 36 species in the herb layer dropped to 27 species.(2) There was no significant difference in average tree height ( p value of 0. 12), average diameter at breast height (p value of 0.33) and average under branch height ( p value of 0.27 ) of Pinus yunnanensis before and after prescribed burning.(3)Prescribed burning had little effect on the species richness of Pinus yunnanensis plantations. Among them, Pinus yunnanensis had Shannon-Wiener index (p value of 0.06), Simpson diversity index ( p value of 0.06), the species richness of the layer (p value of 0.14) and the herb layer ( p value of 0.68) no significant differences. Only the species richness of the shrub layer (p value of 0.002) significantly decreased. Therefore, after the prescribed burning, the species composition of Pinus yunnanensis forests declined, and the species diversity of the shrub layer extremely significantly declined, but it had no significant impact on the growth of Pinus yunnanensis. Therefore , it could be used as a method for fire prevention and management of Pinus yunnanensis forests.
Key words:prescribed burning;Pinus yunnanensis; community structure;species diversity;