时间: 2023-03-10 | 次数: |
陈昊, 陈艺晏, 金英淑.丹江口库区典型支流氮、磷空间分布特征与富营养化评估[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,42(2):62-70.
CHEN H, CHEN Y Y, JIN Y S.Spatial distribution characteristics and eutrophication assessment of nitrogen phosphorus of typical tributaries in Danjiangkou Reservoir Area[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(2):62-70.
陈昊, 陈艺晏, 金英淑
河南理工大学 应急管理学院,河南 焦作 454000
摘要:为了探究丹江口库区不同支流水体氮、磷营养盐质量浓度的差异及其营养状态,于2019年10月对丹库和汉库的6条主要支流——老灌河、淇河、滔河、神定河、泗河和官山河等流域水生态环境进行调查研究。结果表明:(1)老灌河、淇河、滔河、神定河、泗河、官山河水体中TN平均质量浓度分别为7.62,10.08,7.40,11.58,8.34,6.81 mg/L,TP平均质量浓度分别为0.08,0.40,0.02,0.29,0.05,0.05 mg/L;(2)老灌河、淇河、滔河、神定河、泗河、官山河综合富营养指数分别为70.39,79.43,67.35,79.23,69.68,71.10,库区各典型入库支流均处于不同程度的富营养化状态,其中,老灌河、淇河、神定河与官山河处于重度富营养化状态,滔河和泗河处于中度富营养化状态;(3)淇河和神定河水体中氮磷质量浓度明显高于其他支流的,未来应作为库区水环境综合治理的重点流域。
Spatial distribution characteristics and eutrophication assessment of nitrogen phosphorus of typical tributaries in Danjiangkou Reservoir Area
CHEN Hao, CHEN Yiyan, JIN Yingshu
School of Emergency Management,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,Henan,China
Abstract:In order to explore the differences of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and their nutritional status in different tributary water bodies in the Danjiangkou Reservoir Area,the water ecological environment of 6 main tributaries in Danjiangkou Reseviror Area(Laoguan River,Qi River,Tao River,Shending River,Si River and Guanshan River) was investigated in October,2019.The results showed that:(1)The average concentrations of TN in Laoguan River,Qi River,Tao River,Shending River,Si River and Guanshan River were 7.62,10.08,7.40,11.58,8.34,6.81 mg/L,respectively,and the average concentrations of TP were 0.08,0.40,0.02,0.29,0.05,0.05 mg/L,respectively;(2)The comprehensive eutrophication indexes of Laoguan River,Qi River,Tao River,Shending River,Si River,and Guanshan River were 70.39,79.43,67.35,79.23,69.68,71.10,respectively.The study found that the typical inflow tributaries were all at different degrees of eutrophication.Among them,Laoguanhe,Qihe,Shendinghe and Guanshan rivers were in a state of severe eutrophication,and Taohe and Sihe were in a state of moderate eutrophication;(3)The nitrogen and phosphorus levels in the Qi River and Shending River were significantly higher than those of other tributaries,and they should be the key basins for comprehensive water environment management in the reservoir area in the future.
Key words:Danjiangkou Reservoir;nitrogen;phosphorus;eutrophication