时间: 2023-03-10 | 次数: |
辛亚军, 董帅, 姬红英,等.多孔洞试件充填强化的力学特性与失稳模式[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,42(2):144-152.
XIN Y J, DONG S, JI H Y,et al.Mechanical properties and instability mode of multi-hole cement specimens strengthened by filling[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(2):144-152.
辛亚军1,2, 董帅1, 姬红英3, 王宇1, 杨俊鹏1
1.河南理工大学 能源科学与工程学院,河南 焦作 454000;2.河南理工大学 煤炭安全生产河南省协同创新中心,河南 焦作 454000;3.河南理工大学 资源环境学院,河南 焦作 454000
Mechanical properties and instability mode of multi-hole cement specimens strengthened by filling
XIN Yajun1,2, DONG Shuai1, JI Hongying3, WANG Yu1, YANG Junpeng1
1.School of Energy Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,Henan,China;2.Collaborative Innovation Center of Coal Work Safety,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,Henan,China;3.Institute of Resources and Environment,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,Henan,China
Abstract:For discovering bearing characteristics on filling reinforced surrounding rock in mining gateway after borehole pressure relief,uniaxial compression mechanical tests were operated on two groups of eight multi-hole specimens by rigid testing machine on the basis of analysis on stress distribution and crack development of multi-hole specimen.Instability modes and failure forms of multi-hole specimens before and after being filled were determined.The results showed that,free surface increased in multi-hole specimens,stress concentrated and overlapped obviously,and cracking around hole was obvious.The more the hole number was,the smaller the strength of multi-hole specimen was,while the strength of filled specimen was higher than the no-filled one,the strengthen ranges were 3.37%~16.78%.When filling material strength was less than multi-hole specimen,axial deformation of filled multi-hole specimen decreased with hole number increasing.Compared with the no-filled specimen,the less hole number was,the smaller the deformation of filled specimen was.Failure ways of filled specimen was divided into two types:the failures along weak bonding surface and along filled mass,and the filled and no-filled specimens showed respectively curve free instability and block directional one.The research results could provide reference for the filling parameter selection of relief-pressure hole in deep gateway surrounding rock.
Key words:multi-hole specimen;filling strengthening;porous line;instability mode