时间: 2023-03-10 | 次数: |
赵晴, 徐震.基于割圆术的DV-Hop全局优化WSNs节点定位算法改进研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,42(2):127-133.
ZHAO Q, XU Z.Study on improvement of WSN node localization algorithm based on CTGO-DV-Hop[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(2):127-133.
赵晴, 徐震
武汉轻工大学 电气与电子工程学院,湖北 武汉 430048
摘要:为提升DV-Hop(distance vector-hop) 算法定位精度水平,提出一种基于割圆术的DV-Hop全局优化(circle-cutting technique for global optimization of DV-Hop algorithm,CTGO-DV-Hop)算法。该算法精确了最小跳数,引入权值模型对全部锚节点的平均单跳距离进行优化,并采用加权最小二乘递推算法对未知节点坐标进行拟合。实验测试多种因素对于算法的影响,结果表明,所提出的CTGO-DV-Hop算法表现出良好的性能,相较于DV-Hop、OCSLC-DV-Hop和WOCS-DV-Hop,平均定位误差的最大降幅为70%左右,适用于构建节点数目大、锚节点比例低的无线传感器网络系统。
Study on improvement of WSN node localization algorithm based on CTGO-DV-Hop
ZHAO Qing, XU Zhen
School of electrical and electronic engineering,Wuhan Polytechnic University,Wuhan 430048,Hubei,China
Abstract:In wireless sensor networks,location information is one of the crucial and imperative elements.The DV-Hop(distance vector-hop) algorithm is a typical range-free algorithm with various application scenarios,and it is of significant value to improve its localization performance.To improve the localization accuracy level,a circle-cutting technique for global optimization of DV-Hop algorithm(CTGO-DV-Hop) was proposed.The algorithm was accurate in the minimum number of hops.The weight model was introduced to optimize the average single-hop distance of all anchor nodes,and the weighted least squares recursive algorithm was used to fit the unknown node coordinates.The effects of various factors on the algorithm were experimentally tested.The results showed that the proposed CTGO-DV-Hop localization scheme exhibited good performance,it achieved a maximum reduction of about 70% in the average localization error compared with DV-Hop,OCSLC-DV-Hop,and WOCS-DV-Hop,and was suitable for building wireless sensor network systems with a large number of nodes and a low percentage of anchor nodes.
Key words:wireless sensor network;DV-Hop;circle-cutting technique;global optimization;localization