>> 自然科学版期刊 >> 2023 >> 2023年02期 >> 正文
时间: 2023-03-10 次数:

胡万强, 杨锡军, 董永强,.基于粒子群算法的电液执行机构控制器参数优化方法研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,42(2):114-119.

HU W Q, YANG X J, DONG Y Q,et al.Research on parameter optimization method of electro-hydraulic actuator controller based on particle swarm algorithm[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(2):114-119.


胡万强1, 杨锡军2, 董永强1, 李耀辉1

1.许昌学院 电气与机械工程学院,河南 许昌 4610002.营口理工学院 机械与动力工程学院,辽宁 营口 115014








Research on parameter optimization method of electro-hydraulic actuator controller based on particle swarm algorithm

HU Wanqiang1, YANG Xijun2, DONG Yongqiang1, LI Yaohui1

1.School of Electrical & Mechanical EngineeringXuchang UniversityXuchang  461000HenanChina2.School of Mechanical and Power EngineeringYingkou Institute of TechnologyYingkou  115014LiaoningChina

Abstract:In order to solve the problems of nonlinearuncertain and chattering in electro-hydraulic actuator systemEHA),a particle swarm optimizationPSOalgorithm was proposed to optimize the parameters of the EHA controllerthe traditional sliding mode controlSMC variables were optimized by PSO algorithm in real time under the condition of external interferenceso as to make the EHA system produce accurate motion.Firstlythe EHA was modeledthe system state equation was obtainedthen the traditional SMC was introducedthe PSO algorithm was introduced into the SMC to optimize its switching control in real timethe optimal SMC variable was optimized in case of external interferenceso as to ensure that the EHA system could produce accurate position tracking in the light of the input signal.The system model of sliding mode controller was established and simulated by using Simulink module of MATLAB.the simulation results showed that the proposed controller could make the sliding mode variables converge quickly under the condition of disturbanceand could realize the fast and accurate position tracking of the target curvewhich greatly improved the robustness of the systemthus the results showed that the proposed control scheme was effective and scientific.

Key words:EHA system;PSO algorithm;SMC;real-time optimization;position tracking

