>> 自然科学版期刊 >> 2023 >> 2023年02期 >> 正文
时间: 2023-03-10 次数:

魏琼, 周刚, 胡新宇.电液伺服系统力轨迹反馈线性化滑模跟踪控制研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,42(2):108-113.

WEI Q, ZHOU G, HU X Y.Research on force trajectory feedback linearization sliding mode tracking control of electro hydraulic servo system[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(2):108-113.


魏琼, 周刚, 胡新宇

湖北工业大学 机械工程学院,湖北 武汉 430068








Research on force trajectory feedback linearization sliding mode tracking control of electro hydraulic servo system

WEI Qiong, ZHOU Gang, HU Xinyu

School of mechanical engineeringHubei University of TechnologyWuhan 430068HubeiChina

Abstract:When the load of the actuatorthe viscosity of the hydraulic oil and the system pressure of the electro-hydraulic servo system changethe tracking performance of the electro-hydraulic control system would be affectedand the traditional sliding mode controller is prone to chatter when tracking the electro-hydraulic trajectorya feedback linearization sliding mode controller was designed to accurately track the force trajectory of the electro-hydraulic servo system.According to the action principle of hydraulic fluidthe mathematical model of flow rate of valve and the mathematical model of hydraulic cylinder were established.Under the action of load forcethe mathematical model of hydraulic cylinder and load force balance was established.The feedback linearization sliding mode control method designed in this paper was compared with the traditional PID control method in the platform of MATLAB/Simulink.The simulation results showed that the feedback linearization sliding mode controller designed in this paper was better than the PID control method in tracking the electro-hydraulic trajectoryand this method could significantly improve the force trajectory tracking accuracy of the electro-hydraulic servo system.

Key words:electro hydraulic servo system;force trajectory;hydraulic fluid;sliding mode control

