>> 自然科学版期刊 >> 2023 >> 2023年03期 >> 正文
时间: 2023-05-10 次数:

范利丹, 孙亮, 余永强,.HGM质量分数和环境温度对水泥基隔热注浆材料性能的影响[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,42(3):158-164.

FAN L D, SUN L, YU Y Q, et al.Effects of HGM content and environmental temperature on performance of cement-based thermal insulation grouting material[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(3):158-164.


范利丹, 孙亮, 余永强, 张纪云, 郭佳奇

河南理工大学 土木工程学院,河南 焦作 454000

摘要:为了满足高地温隧道建设中隔热注浆材料需要,采用偏高岭土取代部分水泥配制浆液,并加入空心玻璃微珠(hollow glass microspheresHGM)提高隔热性能。在模拟的地热环境中,探讨碱激发剂质量分数对水泥-偏高岭土注浆材料抗压强度的影响以及HGM质量分数和环境温度对注浆材料性能的影响。结果表明:激发剂在最佳质量分数1%时可提高抗压强度15.89%,随着HGM质量分数增加,凝结时间会延长,注浆材料抗压强度、抗渗性和导热系数降低;养护温度升高会缩短凝结时间、降低注浆材料导热系数,并使结石体28 d抗压强度和抗渗性先升高后降低;当养护温度超过50 ℃时,结石体后期抗压强度出现倒缩。SEM和孔隙率分析表明,40 ℃养护形成的结石体孔隙率最低,HGM被水化产物包裹较好,但界面结合力尚需增强。







Effects of HGM content and environmental temperature on performance of cement-based thermal insulation grouting material

FAN Lidan, SUN Liang, YU Yongqiang, ZHANG Jiyun, GUO Jiaqi

School of Civil EngineeringHenan Polytechnic UniversityJiaozuo 454000HenanChina

Abstract:In order to meet the needs of thermal insulation grouting materials in tunnel construction under high geothermal environmentthe metakaolin was applied to replace part of cement for preparation of groutand the HGM were added to improve the thermal insulation.By simulating different geo-temperature environments indoorsthe effect of the content of alkali activator on the compressive strength of cement-metakaolin grouting material and the effect of HGM content and temperature on the performance of the grouting material were discussed.The results showed that the alkali activator could increase the compressive strength by 15.89% at the optimal content of 1%.The increase of HGM content would prolong the setting time and reduce the compressive strengthimpermeabilityand thermal conductivity of the grouting material.The increase of curing temperature would shorten the setting timereduce the thermal conductivityand make the 28d compressive strength and impermeability first increase and then decrease.When the curing temperature exceeded 50 ℃the compressive strength of the grouting material would shrink in late stage.The SEM and porosity analysis showed that the harden paste cured at 40 ℃ had the lowest porosityand HGM were wrapped by hydration productshowever with weak interface bonding force.

Key words:thermal insulation grouting material;hollow glass microsphere;high geo-temperature;thermal insulation

