时间: 2023-05-10 | 次数: |
KOU Y D, LIU C.Water-heat coupling test based on optical fiber temperature measurement with high-precious[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(3):88-94.
寇玉冬1, 刘春1,2
1.南京大学 地球科学与工程学院,江苏 南京 210023;2.南京大学(苏州) 高新技术研究院,江苏 苏州 215123
Water-heat coupling test based on optical fiber temperature measurement with high-precious
KOU Yudong1, LIU Chun1,2
1.School of Earth Science and Engineering,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,Jiangsu,China;2.High-tech Research Institute,Nanjing University(Suzhou),Suzhou 215123,Jiangsu,China
Abstract:In order to study the water-heat coupling process and its influence factors in urban subsurface,an indoor test platform with high-precision sensors was designed to operate the water-heat coupling test considering temperature,seepage and coverage types herein to recognize distributed monitoring of temperature field.Results indicated that:The change of soil temperature field under seepage was more intensive,the larger flow rate makes heat rate increase by dozens of times;The higher temperature or temperature difference between soil and flow,the greater temperature field changed;Heating process of the soil under different coverage was distinct,the heat rate of the soil under polyethylene board was the lowest;The heating rate was same with the same soil properties,especially higher permeability was benefit to heat and flow transmission;The covering types weakened the seepage’s diffusion,disturbed seepage field,affected the distribution of temperature field;The seepage,carrying heat,disturbed the initial state of heat convection and motivated a new temperature field to appear;Heat affected the viscosity coefficient of seepage and changed seepage field,those of three factors were coupled to determine the soil temperature field.
Key words:seepage of groundwater;coverage type;water-heat coupling;high precision sensor