时间: 2023-05-10 | 次数: |
张中卫, 杨彦奇, 杨海坤.基于自适应模糊PID的输液温度控制系统研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,42(3):137-145.
ZHANG Z W, YANG Y Q, YANG H K,et al.Study on infusion temperature control system based on adaptive fuzzy PID[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(3):137-145.
张中卫, 杨彦奇, 杨海坤
河南理工大学 物理与电子信息学院,河南 焦作 454000
摘要:在寒冷季节对输液的药液进行加热,使其保持在一定温度范围内是非常有必要的。针对输液过程中的实际需求,基于自适应模糊PID算法研制用于输液的温度控制系统。首先,通过分析输液加热的特点,利用MATLAB/Simulink仿真工具箱搭建PID、自适应模糊PID的输液温度控制模型,进行仿真对比实验,验证模糊PID算法用于温度控制的优越性;然后,以STM32单片机为主控制器、NTC热敏电阻为温度传感器,结合帕尔贴式温控加热元件,设计并实现基于模糊PID算法的硬件实验电路。结果表明,模糊PID算法与PID算法相比具有响应速度更快、超调量更小的优点,当设定起始温度15 ℃、目标温度34 ℃时,模糊PID控制器能够在72 s左右到达稳定,最大超调量为2.1%,控制效果优于传统的PID控制算法,在输液液体温度控制中具有良好的应用前景。
Study on infusion temperature control system based on adaptive fuzzy PID
ZHANG Zhongwei, YANG Yanqi, YANG Haikun
School of Physics and Electronic Information,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,Henan,China
Abstract:It is necessary to heat the infusion liquid to keep it within a certain temperature range in the cold season.According to the actual requirements of the infusion process,a temperature control system for infusion was developed based on adaptive fuzzy PID algorithm in this paper.Firstly,by analyzing the characteristics of infusion heating,the simulation toolbox of MATLAB/Simulink was used to build the infusion temperature control model of PID and adaptive fuzzy PID,and the simulation comparison experiments were carried out,which verified the superiority of the fuzzy PID algorithm for temperature control.Then,using STM32 microcomputer as the main controller,NTC thermistor as the temperature sensor,and combined with Peltier as the temperature control heating element,a hardware experimental circuit based on fuzzy PID algorithm was designed and implemented.The results showed that the fuzzy PID algorithm had the advantages of faster response and smaller overshoot compared with the PID algorithm,when the starting temperature was set at 15 ℃and the target temperature was set at 34 ℃,the fuzzy PID controller could reach stability at about 72 s,the maximum overshoot was 2.1%,the control effect was better than the traditional PID control algorithm.The proposed system had a good application prospect in the temperature control of infusion liquid.
Key words:fuzzy PID;temperature control;MCU;MATLAB simulation;automatic control technology