时间: 2023-05-10 | 次数: |
张建伟, 张䶮, 娄蒙凡,等.基于内聚力模型的FRP复合桩水平承载性能数值分析[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,42(3):173-179.
ZAHNG J W, ZHANG Y, LOU M F, et al.Numerical analysis of horizontal bearing capacity of FRP composite pile based on cohesion model[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(3):173-179.
张建伟1,2, 张䶮1, 娄蒙凡1, 石磊1,2, 付进省3
1.河南大学 土木建筑学院,河南 开封 475004;2.河南省轨道交通智能建造工程技术中心,河南 开封 475004;3.河南省建筑设计研究院有限公司,河南 郑州 450014
Numerical analysis of horizontal bearing capacity of FRP composite pile based on cohesion model
ZAHNG Jianwei1,2, ZHANG Yan1, LOU Mengfan1, SHI Lei1,2, FU Jinsheng3
1.School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Henan University,Kaifeng 475004,Henan,China;2.Henan Provincial Research Center of Engineering on Intelligent Construction of Rail Transit,Kaifeng 475004,Henan,China;3.Henan Architectural Design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Zhengzhou 450014,Henan,China
Abstract:In order to study the horizontal bearing capacity of FRP composite piles (ordinary reinforced concrete piles wrapped with FRP cloth)with different wrapping methods and different fiber materials,and the influence of FRP cloth-pile interface bonding performance on the horizontal bearing capacity of FRP composite pile,the finite element software was used to establish the cohesion model of FRP composite pile considering the bond performance of FRP cloth-pile,and compared with the experimental results and traditional numerical simulation results.The test results showed that,the horizontal bearing capacity of FRP composite pile increased with the increase of the number of wrapping layers,and the improvement effect of CFRP cloth on the horizontal bearing capacity of FRP composite pile was better than that of BFRP cloth and GFRP cloth.With the increase of bond strength between FRP cloth and pile,the horizontal displacement of pile top decreased gradually,and the bending moment at the same section also decreased.Compared with the traditional numerical simulation results,the cohesive force model results considering the interfacial bonding properties of FRP cloth-concrete were more consistent with the experimental results,and the error range was smaller,which verified the correctness of the finite element model.The results of the study could provide reference for the design of horizontal bearing capacity of FRP composite piles.
Key words:FRP composite pile;horizontal bearing capacity;bonding property;finite element software;cohesion model