时间: 2023-05-10 | 次数: |
张艳玉, 王欣, 孙晓飞,等.加拿大油砂非凝析气体辅助SAGD开采特征及影响因素研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,42(3):10-17.
ZHANG Y Y, WANG X, SUN X F, et al.Research on development characteristics and influencing factors of non-condensable gas assisted SAGD for Canadian oil sand[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(3):10-17.
张艳玉1, 王欣1, 孙晓飞1, 王成胜2, 孙君2, 任树亮2
1.中国石油大学(华东) 石油工程学院,山东 青岛 266500;2.中海油能源发展股份有限公司 钻采工程研究院,天津 300452
摘要:常规SAGD开采蒸汽超覆现象严重、蒸汽腔发育不均匀、后期开发效果差,非凝析气体辅助SAGD开采即SAGP(steam and gas push)可有效改善SAGD开发效果,但SAGP开采机理、开发特征和影响因素仍未完全明确。采用室内实验和数值模拟相结合方法,揭示SAGP开采机理,明确蒸汽腔发育、剩余油分布等开发特征,探讨非凝析气体类型、注入方式、注入时机等因素的影响规律。结果表明:非凝析气体可降低稠油黏度和储层顶部热量损失速率,从而提高稠油可流动性和蒸汽热利用效率;SAGP过程中利用二氧化碳的辅助效果优于甲烷和氮气,尽早注入非凝析气体可形成“椭圆形”蒸汽腔;非凝析气体注入速率为4 000 m3/d时效果最好,超过该值非凝析气体会抑制蒸汽腔发育;采用段塞式注入非凝析气体效果优于连续式注入方式,最优段塞长度为2个月。研究结果对于加拿大油砂SAGP高效开发具有重要意义。
Research on development characteristics and influencing factors of non-condensable gas assisted SAGD for Canadian oil sand
ZHANG Yanyu1, WANG Xin1, SUN Xiaofei1, WANG Chengsheng2, SUN Jun2, REN Shuliang2
1.School of Petroleum Engineering,China University of Petroleum(East China),Qingdao 266500,Shandong,China;2.Drilling&Production Engineering Institute,China National Offshore Oil Corporation,Tianjin 300452,China
Abstract:Conventional SAGD steam overlap phenomenon is serious,steam chamber development is uneven,and development effect is poor.Non-condensable gas assisted SAGD(steam and gas push,SAGP)technology can effectively improve the SAGD development effect.However,SAGP technical mechanism,development characteristics and influencing factors are still not completely clear.A combination of laboratory experiments and numerical simulations was used to reveal the SAGP technical mechanism,to clarify development characteristics such as steam chamber development and remaining oil distribution,and to clarify the influence of non-condensable gas types,injection methods,injection timing and other factors.The results showed that non-condensable gas could reduce the viscosity of heavy oil and the heat loss rate at the top of the reservoir,thereby improving the flow ability of heavy oil and the efficiency of steam heat utilization.The auxiliary effect of using carbon dioxide in the SAGP process was better than that of methane and nitrogen.Injecting non-condensable gas as soon as possible could form an elliptical steam chamber to avoid steam overlap.When the injection rate of non-condensable gas was 4 000 m3/d,the effect was best,exceeding this value would inhibit the development of the steam chamber;The effect of slug injection of non-condensate gas was better than continuous injection,and the optimal slug length was 2 months.The research results were of great significance for the efficient SAGP development of in Canadian oil sand.
Key words:Canadian oil sand;steam assisted gravity drainage;non-condensable gas;numerical simulation;technical mechanism;development characteristics