时间: 2023-05-10 | 次数: |
王俊, 李家存, 杨振宇.青海玉树巴塘乡地区地貌特征与构造运动相关性分析[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,42(3):59-68.
WANG J, LI J C, YANG Z Y.Correlation analysis between geomorphic features and tectonic active in Batangxiang Area,Yushu,Qinghai[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(3):59-68.
王俊, 李家存, 杨振宇
首都师范大学 资源环境与旅游学院,北京 100048
摘要:针对目前巴塘乡断裂垂向上运动性质尚无统一定论问题,基于12.5 m分辨率的ALOS DEM,通过改进的Chi⁃z法计算巴塘乡地区河流陡峭指数并识别裂点,利用地貌指数对玉树巴塘乡地区进行构造地貌定量化分析。结果表明:(1)巴塘乡盆地河流陡峭指数明显小于其南侧山地的;(2)构造活动是研究区内河流陡峭指数分布差异的控制因素,同时也是裂点成因之一;(3)巴塘乡断裂是一条具有正倾滑分量的全新世左旋走滑断裂,羌塘块体在青藏高原内部物质向东挤出过程中发生了顺时针旋转,具有向南的运动分量,形成了兼具正倾滑分量的巴塘乡左旋走滑断裂,并在断裂控制下形成了巴塘乡断陷盆地和地貌侵蚀的差异性分布。
关键词:巴塘乡断裂;构造地貌;河流陡峭指数;面积-坡度; Chi⁃z
Correlation analysis between geomorphic features and tectonic active in Batangxiang Area,Yushu,Qinghai
WANG Jun, LI Jiacun, YANG Zhenyu
College of Resource Environment and Tourism,Capital Normal University,Beijing 100048,China
Abstract:In view of there is no unified conclusion on the movement properties of the Batangxiang fault in the vertical direction,based on the 12.5 m resolution ALOS DEM,the river steepness index was calculated and the knick points were identified.The tectonic geomorphology of Batangxiang in Yushu was quantified by the improved Chi-z method.The results showed that:(1)The river steepness index of Batangxiang basin was significantly smaller than that of the southern mountains;(2)The tectonic activity was the controlling factor for the difference in river steepness index distribution in the study area,and was also one of the causes of the knick points;(3)The Batangxiang fault was a Holocene left-lateral strike-slip fault with positive dip slip component.Due to the clockwise rotation of Qiangtang block in the process of material extrusion to the east in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,it had the motion component to the south,and formed the Batangxiang left-lateral strike-slip fault with positive dip slip component,which controlled and formed the Batangxiang graben basin and different distribution of the geomorphic erosion.
Key words:Batangxiang fault;tectonic geomorphology;river steepness index;area-slope; Chi⁃z