供稿: 冀宇鑫;李鹤鹤;宋高峰; | 时间: 2023-09-10 | 次数: |
冀宇鑫, 李鹤鹤, 宋高峰.部分充填开采工作面覆岩移动规律研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,42(5):49-56.
JI Y X, LI H H, SONG G F.Study on surrounding rock stability of partially filled mining face under the influence of filling stiffness and filling step[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(5):49-56.
冀宇鑫, 李鹤鹤, 宋高峰
北方工业大学 土木工程学院,北京100144
摘要:为研究部分充填采煤技术覆岩移动规律,采用弹性地基梁理论建立顶板挠度微分方程,明确充填体弹性地基系数及直接顶弹性模量与顶板下沉的关系,并建立Phase2D 有限元数值模型,研究部分充填条件下充填体刚度和充填步距对覆岩稳定性的影响规律。结果表明:充填区直接顶最终下沉量随充填体弹性地基系数增大而减小;随着顶板弹性模量增大,工作面范围内直接顶下沉量逐渐减小,而充填区直接顶下沉量变化不大;随着充填体刚度和充填步距增大,工作面前方塑性区、工作区域直接顶下沉量、工作面上方覆岩垂直位移都随之减小,且在充填步距对覆岩稳定性的影响因素中,高宽比相对于及时支护更为显著。
Study on surrounding rock stability of partially filled mining face under the influence of filling stiffness and filling step
JI Yuxin, LI Hehe, SONG Gaofeng
School of Civil Engineering,North China University of Technology,Beijing 100144,China
Abstract:In order to further study the movement law of overburden in partial backfill mining technology,the equation was developed by using the elastic foundation beam theory to reveal the relationship between the filling elastic foundation coefficient as well as the direct roof elastic modulus and the roof subsidence,the Phase2D finite element numerical model was established to study and analyze the overburden movement under different backfill stiffness and different backfill steps. The results showed that the final subsidence of the direct roof decreased with the increase of the elastic foundation coefficient of the filling body; with the increase of roof elastic modulus,the direct roof subsidence in the working face decreased gradually,while the direct roof subsidence in the filling area didn’t change much. With the increase of filling body stiffness and backfill steps,the plastic zone in front of the longwall face,the deflection of direct roof in the working area and the vertical displacement of overburden above the longwall face all decreased accordingly,and among the influence factors of the filling step on the stability of the overburden,the height width ratio was more significant than the timely support.
Key words:partial backfill;backfill step;filling body stiffness;direct roof subsidence;surrounding rock stability