>> 自然科学版期刊 >> 2023 >> 2023年05期 >> 正文
供稿: 秦建辉;郭灵辉; 时间: 2023-09-10 次数:

秦建辉, 郭灵辉.河南省煤炭资源型城市绿色转型经济-环境-社会协调发展研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,42(5):93-101.

QIN J H, GUO L H.Study on the coordinated development of economyenvironment and society of green transformation of coal resource-based cities in Henan Province[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(5):93-101.


秦建辉1,2, 郭灵辉3

1.河南理工大学 应急管理学院,河南 焦作  454000;2.河南理工大学 工商管理学院,河南 焦作  454000;3.河南理工大学 测绘与国土信息工程学院,河南 焦作  454000








Study on the coordinated development of economyenvironment and society of green transformation of coal resource-based cities in Henan Province

QIN Jianhui1,2, GUO Linghui3

1.School of Emergency ManagementHenan Polytechnic UniversityJiaozuo  454000HenanChina;2.School of Economics and ManagementHenan Polytechnic UniversityJiaozuo  454000HenanChina;3.School of Surveying and Land Information EngineeringHenan Polytechnic UniversityJiaozuo  454000HenanChina

Abstract:In order to improve the coordinated development level and promote the green transformation in coal resource-based citiestaking 8 coal resource-based cities in Henan Province as the research objectsthe study explored the dynamic evolution trend and heterogeneous characteristics of coordinated development of coal resource-based cities in Henan Province from 2000 to 2018and identified the level of coordinated development among various factors on the basis of building an entropy-weighted TOPSIS evaluation model of the coordinated development of economyenvironment and society of coal resource-based cities.The results showed that the coordinated development degree of economyenvironment and society of coal resource-based cities in Henan Province increased with fluctuation from 2000 to 2018with a growth rate of about 0.008 per yearand the coordinated development degree gradually turned into a good state.According to the studymature and declining coal resource-based cities showed the fastest growth rates of coordinated development of economyenvironment and society from 2000 to 2018which were faster than the average level of the provinceand their coordinated development degree was gradually surpassing those of other types of cities.

Key words:coal resource-based cities;green transformation;economy-environment and society;coordinated development;Henan Province

