>> 自然科学版期刊 >> 2023 >> 2023年05期 >> 正文
供稿: 冯阵东;谭浩林;吴伟;王光绪;刘惟庆;魏国营;贾天让; 时间: 2023-09-10 次数:

冯阵东, 谭浩林, 吴伟,.郯庐断裂右旋走滑活动对东濮凹陷构造演化的影响[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,42(5):72-79.

FENG Z D, TAN H L, WU W,et al.Influence of dextral strike-slip movement of Tanlu fault zone on the tectonics evolution of Dongpu Depression[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(5):72-79.


冯阵东1, 谭浩林1, 吴伟2, 王光绪2, 刘惟庆2, 魏国营1, 贾天让1

1.河南理工大学 安全科学与工程学院 河南 焦作 454000;2.河南理工大学 资源环境学院 河南 焦作 454000








Influence of dextral strike-slip movement of Tanlu fault zone on the tectonics evolution of Dongpu Depression

FENG Zhendong1, TAN Haolin1, WU Wei2, WANG Guangxu2, LIU Weiqing2, WEI Guoying1, JIA Tianrang1

1.College of Safety Science and EngineeringHenan Polytechnic UniversityJiaozuo  454000HenanChina;2.Institute of Resources & EnvironmentHenan Polytechnic UniversityJiaozuo  454000HenanChina

Abstract:The direction of the Pacific plate subduction changedwhich caused the change of the Tanlu fault from sinistral to dextral strike-slip.The various depressions in the east of the Bohai Bay Basin clearly responded to this tectonic event.Whether the Dongpu Depression in the west of the basin was affected by it and to what extentits conclusions directly affected the formulation of the seismic interpretation scheme in this area. Combining 3D seismic and deep geophysical datathe basin-controlling characteristics of the Lanliao fault were analyzed.According to the evolution of the en-echelon fault assemblage with regional chronological datathe coupling relationship between the en-echelon assemblage and regional tectonic activity was discussed.Through the statistics of the strikes of low-order faultthe characteristics of the stress field in the Cenozoic in this area were clarified.The analysis results showed that the western branch of the Lanliao fault was the key fault that controled the overall structure of the Dongpu Depressionthe formation time of the en-echelon fault assemblage was poorly coupled with regional dextral strike-slipthe Paleogene stress field in the Dongpu Area was stableand there was no obvious difference before and after the change of plate subduction direction.It was proposed that extensive stress was the main driving force of Dongpu Cenozoic tectonic evolutionand the dextral torsional stress had limited influence on the tectonics of this area.

Key words:Dongpu Depression;border fault;en-echelon assemblage;variation of stress;dextral strike-slip;

