>> 自然科学版期刊 >> 2023 >> 2023年05期 >> 正文
供稿: 丁亚红;宁威;武军;李雅婧;张美香;郭猛;郭书奇; 时间: 2023-09-10 次数:

丁亚红, 宁威, 武军,.粒径对加速碳化再生细骨料性能的影响[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,42(5):190-196.

DING Y H, NING W, WU J ,et al.Effects of particle size on properties of fine recycled fine aggregate by accelerated carbonation[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(5):190-196.


丁亚红, 宁威, 武军, 李雅婧, 张美香, 郭猛, 郭书奇

河南理工大学 土木工程学院,河南 焦作 454000

摘要:为了解决再生细骨料性能劣化问题,采用饱和石灰水溶液预处理加速碳化法,以不同粒径再生细骨料(recycled fine aggregateRFA)为研究对象,进行吸水率、压碎值和表观密度测试,并采用热分析(TG)、X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等对碳化产物和微观结构进行测试。结果表明,随着RFA粒径减小,吸水率逐渐变大,压碎值和表观密度变小;加速碳化生成的方解石紧密堆积并填充于RFA内部微裂缝,使其吸水率、压碎值降低,表观密度升高;小粒径RFA具有更高的 CO2质量吸收率,RFA粒径越小,吸水率降幅越明显;天然骨料碎屑聚集在0.3~0.6 mmRFA中,阻碍了CO2的吸收,其吸水率降幅最低。







Effects of particle size on properties of fine recycled fine aggregate by accelerated carbonation

DING Yahong, NING Wei, WU Jun, LI Yajing, ZHANG Meixiang, GUO Meng, GUO Shuqi

School of Civil EngineeringHenan Polytechnic UniversityJiaozuo 454000HenanChina

Abstract:In order to solve the problem of performance degradation of recycled fine aggregateRFA), saturated lime water solutionCH pre-treatment was used to accelerate carbonization.  The crushing valuewater absorption rate and apparent density of recycled fine aggregate with different particle sizes were tested. The carbonization products and microstructure were characterized by thermal analysis X-ray diffraction scanning electron microscopy. The results indicated that with the decrease of RFA particle size water absorption gradually increased crushing value and apparent density decreased. The calcite formed by accelerated carbonization was filled in the internal microcracks of RFA which reduced the water absorption and crushing value and increased the apparent density. Small particle size RFA had higher CO2 mass absorption rate and the smaller the particle size of RFA is the more obvious the decrease of water absorption rate is. Debris of natural aggregate groups in RFA with 0.3~0.6 mm hindered the absorption of CO2 and the water absorption rate decreased the lowest.

Key words:recycled fine aggregate;particle size;accelerated carbonation;COmass absorption rate;water absorption

