Author: CHENG Xiaobo, SHANG Jiaze, AN Weipeng, LIU Yu, LIU Zhizhong | Time: 2020-03-10 | Counts: |
Study on optimal routing path algorithm based on DE-PSO
CHENG Xiaobo, SHANG Jiaze, AN Weipeng, LIU Yu, LIU Zhizhong
College of Computer Science and Technology, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000 , Henan, China
Abstract:Due to unbalanced energy consumption, large energy consumption and premature death of nodes in ZigBee networks , differential evolution-particle swarm optimization ( DE-PSO ) algorithms was put forward. In the optimization process, according to the residual energy of the node, contest the cluster head by comparing the cluster head campaign weights, and the energy balance and convergence speed of the node were comprehensively taken into consideration. The DE algorithm was used in searching the overall, and the optimal path was quickly found by using the convergence of the PSO algorithm. The simulation results showed that, in terms of extending the network lifetime, reducing node death and balancing node energy and reducing energy loss, a hybrid of DE algorithm and PSO algorithm was superior to the classical AODVjr, DE and ACO-AODV algorithms, which improved the entire network performance of ZigBee.
Key words:ZigBee;differential evolution algorithm;PSO algorithm;optimal path