>> Nature Journal >> 2020 >> Issue 2 >> 正文
An industrial robot trajectory planning algorithm based on kinematics constraints
Author: SUN Weiwei, WANG Han, HUANG Min Time: 2020-03-10 Counts:





An industrial robot trajectory planning algorithm based on kinematics constraints

SUN Weiwei, WANG Han, HUANG Min

School of Mechanic and Electric Engineering Beijing Information Science & Technology University Beijing 100192 China

Abstract:In order to realize the smooth and real-time motion generation for multi-DoF degree of freedom industrial robotsa trajectory generation algorithm based on kinematic motion constraints was presented. The velocity acceleration and jerk the derivative of acceleration to time were taken as the kinematic constraints of industrial robot manipulators to generate point-to-point multi-DoF trajectories in real-time. The cubic polynomials were used to represent the robot trajectories to guarantee the motion smoothness. The proposed trajectory generation algorithm was applied to the AuBo-i5 industrial manipulator for verification. Due to direct computation of polynomials without any optimization the proposed algorithm was fast and could produce trajectories within a control circle which enabled easy integration in the feedback loop of visual servo or force control. A simple but effective synchronization strategy was also presented to reduce the robot tracking error.

Key words:industrial robot;kinematics constraint;trajectory planning;flexibility

