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供稿: 王继华,郑凯,豆敬峰,李涛,黄平华 时间: 2023-12-07 次数:

王继华, 郑凯, 豆敬峰,.黄河焦作段河岸植物水分来源同位素水文学解析[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),doi:10.16186/j.cnki.1673-9787.2022050078

WANG J H, ZHENG K, DOU J F,et al.Analysis of water source of riparian plants in Jiaozuo Section of the Yellow Riverbased on isotope hydrology[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,doi:10.16186/j.cnki.1673-9787.2022050078


王继华1,2,3, 郑凯1,2,3, 豆敬峰1,2,3, 李涛1,2,3, 黄平华4

1.河南省自然资源监测院,河南 郑州  450016;2.自然资源部黄河流域中下游水土资源保护与修复重点实验室,河南 郑州  450016;3. 南省自然资源科技创新中心(地下水资源调查监测院),河南 郑州  450016;4.河南理工大学 资源环境学院,河南 焦作  454000

摘要:为探究河岸植物的水分来源,以黄河焦作段典型河岸生态植物为研究对象,实验分析氢 氧稳定同位素、氯离子浓度及土壤含水率特征,结合贝叶斯混合模型MixSIAR,解析河岸生态 植被水分来源。结果表明:δ2H-δ18O图谱显示土壤水线为δ2H =5.74δ18O-15.67,斜率明显小于当 地大气降水线斜率;土壤水 lc-excess (土壤水同位素点偏离LMWL的程度)显示土壤水同位素 δ2H-δ18O关系点显著偏离LWML,表征土壤水受到过强蒸发;河岸植物芦苇和柽柳木质部水 δ2Hδ18O值与土壤水线基本重叠,表征芦苇和柽柳水分主要来源于土壤水补给;贝叶斯混合模 MixSIAR模拟结果指示,土壤水对柽柳和芦苇水分贡献率为60.3%~73.6%,河水贡献率为 10.3%~24.7%,其次是潜水,而土壤含水率是影响植物水分利用的关键因子;校正后的计算结 果表明,河水对植物水分贡献率显著上升,土壤水贡献率降至53.9%~60.6%。研究结果对河岸 典型植物水分利用机理研究具有一定的理论意义。







网络首发日期: 2023-12-07

Analysis of water source of riparian plants in Jiaozuo Section of the Yellow Riverbased on isotope hydrologyOnline

WANG Jihua1,2,3, ZHENG Kai1,2,3, DOU Jingfeng1,2,3, LI Tao1,2,3, HUANG Pinghua4

1.Henan Province Natural Resources Monitoring InstituteZhengzhou  450016 HenanChina;2.Key Laboratory of Water and Soil Resources Protection and Rehabilitation in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yellow River BasinMinistry of Natural ResourcesZhengzhou  450016Henan China;3.Henan Natural Resources Science and Technology Innovation CenterInvestigation and Monitoring of Groundwater Resources),Zhengzhou  450016HenanChina;4.School of Resources and Environment EngineeringHenan Polytechnic UniversityJiaozuo  454000HenanChina

Abstract:Riparian vegetation is the ecological barrier of river basins and the key defense line of defense to prevent pollutants from going into rivers, and it is also the core part of the life community of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and grasses, and water source is a key factor for the ecological construction of riparian plants. In this paper, typical riparian ecological plants in Jiaozuo section of the Yellow River are studied as the research object, and the characteristics of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes, chloride ion concentrations and soil moisture content are analyzed experimentally. After analyzing the water sources for riparian ecological vegetation with Bayesian mixture model MixSIAR, the author obtains the following results. The δ2H-δ18O map shows that the soil water line is δ2H=5.74δ18O-15.67, and its slope is significantly lower than the LMWL. The soil water lc-excess (degree of deviation of soil water isotope points from LMWL) value shows that soil water isotope δ2H -δ18O relationship points deviate significantly from LMWL, which indicated that soil water is subject to strong evaporation. Theδ2H andδ18O values of the xylem water of riparian plants (Phragmites australis and Tamarix chinensis) overlaps with the soil water line, indicating that the water of P. australis and T. chinensis is supplied by soil water. The Bayesian MixSIAR simulation indicates that soil water contribute 60.3%~73.6% to T. chinensis and P. australis water, while the river water contribute 10.3%~24.7% to it. What comes next is phreatic water and the soil moisture content is a key factor affecting plants water use. The corrected calculation result showes that the contribution rate of river water to plant water increased significantly, and the contribution rate of soil water decreased to 53.9% ~ 60.6%. This paper has certain theoretical significance for the study of water utilization mechanism of typical riparian plants.

Key words:Jiaozuo Section of the Yellow River;riparian vegetation;stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes;Bayesian Mixture Model;water sources


