供稿: 李修磊,刁航,陈臣,黄锋,凌天清,曾彬 | 时间: 2023-10-19 | 次数: 46 |
李修磊, 刁航, 陈臣,等.压缩荷载作用下岩石类材料裂缝扩展预测理论的改进及验证[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),doi:10.16186/j.cnki.1673-9787.2023070006.
LI X L, DIAO H, CHEN C, et al.Improvement and verification of crack propagation prediction theory for rock mate-rials under compressive load[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,doi:10.16186/j.cnki.1673-9787.2023070006.
李修磊1, 刁航2, 陈臣2, 黄锋2, 凌天清2, 曾彬1
1.重庆交通大学 河海学院,重庆 400074;2.重庆交通大学 土木工程学院,重庆 400074
摘要:为提高对岩石类材料裂缝扩展预测的准确性,弥补传统的最大周向应力准则(MTS准则) 未考虑裂缝尖端应力场非奇异应力项(T应力)及裂缝几何特性的缺陷;基于传统MTS准则,考 虑T应力及裂缝几何特性对裂缝尖端应力场的影响,建立了一种新的岩石非闭合裂缝断裂准则;采用中心含非闭合裂缝岩石试件进行单轴压缩试验,将准则预测值同试验所测得起裂角θ相比较,检验所提出准则的合理性。研究结果表明:仅引入裂缝几何特性,裂缝宽长比(b/a)的 增加,会促使应力强度因子KI的增加;同时引入一裂缝几何特性和T应力时,裂缝宽长比(b/a)增 加会引起裂角θ的减小和最大周向应力(σθ)max的增加;且在引入T应力后,起裂角θ和起裂荷 载接更贴近于实际值,此时T应力起到抑制裂缝起裂的作用,且起裂角θ会伴随裂缝倾角β的增大而逐渐由正倾开裂过渡为反倾开裂,采用引入裂缝几何特性及T应力的裂缝断裂准则能 更精确的预测裂缝倾角β在0°~ 60°范围内的起裂角0。
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(52078090,42202322);全职博士后留渝资助项目(Z32200078);中国博士后科学基金资助项 目(2018M633627XB)
Improvement and verification of crack propagation prediction theory for rock mate-rials under compressive load(Online)
LI Xiulei1, DIAO Hang2, CHEN Chen2, HUANG Feng2, LING Tianqing2, ZENG Bin1
1.School of River & Ocean Engineering,Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing 400074,China;2.School of Civil Engineering,Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing 400074,China
Abstract:In order to improve the accuracy of crack propagation prediction for rock materials,the traditional maximum circumferential stress criterion(MTS criterion) disregards the non-singular stress term(T stress) in the crack tip's stress field and the crack geometrical properties.On the basis of the conventional MTS criterion,a new fracture criterion for non-closed fractures in rocks is established by accounting for the effects of T-stress and fracture geometry properties on the fracture tip stress field. Uniaxial compression tests were conducted using rock specimens with non-closed fractures in the center,then the predicted values of the criterion were compared with the cracking angle(θ) measured in the experiment to check the reasonablenessof the proposed criterion. The results of the research indicate that only considering fracture geometry fea⁃tures,long crack width ratio(b/a) increase the stress intensity factor(KI) increase.When the geometric characteristics of crack and T stress are introduced simultaneously,the increase of crack width ratio(b/a)caused the crack angle θ to be reduced and the maximum peripheral stress (σθ)max to be increased.With theintroduction of T stress,the crack starting angle(θ) and the crack starting load are closer to the actualvalue,then the T stress plays an important role in suppressing the crack starting,while the crack startingangle(θ) gradually transitions from positive to negative cracking with the increase of the crack dip angle(β).The crack initiation criterion considering T stress and crack geometry can more accurately predict the crackinitiation angle(θ) in the range of 0° to 60° of the crack dip angle(β).
Key words:fracture criterion;non-closed cracks;stresscrack geometric propertiescrack initiation angles