>> 社会科学版期刊 >> 2017 >> 2017年01期 >> 正文
供稿: 王化菊 时间: 2018-12-05 次数:








Abstract:The psychological maturity and spiritual breakthrough of the heroine in Fraud by Anitar Brookner were not achieved until she was over fifty. The delay of growing up makes it a special Bildungsroman. Taking the gender, class and time characteristics of the heroine Anna into consideration, this paper analyzes the causes of the predicaments in light of the pattern of traditional Bildungsroman. It is discovered that she was stuck in space, mentor-ship, career as well as marriage because of the mutiple bondages of traditional concepts on women's development and the moral ambiguity and value confusion brought about by the economic development and social changes in the second half of the 20 th century in Britain. The final metamorphosis of Anna results from her self-reflection and self-identification as an intellect. Anna's special growing up process subverts and rewrites the pattern of tradtional Bildungsroman, enriches the concept of this genre, and enligthens the inner development of contemporary women in a sense.
