供稿: 张晓丽;徐飞飞 | 时间: 2018-12-16 | 次数: |
摘要:通过分析地方海事局船舶检验发证、船舶登记、水路运政等现有业务系统存在的问题,提出了数据交换管理、主题数据展现与分析、港口管理、综合门户等功能模块需求。系统解决了地方海事局由于不同的软件厂商和技术架构导致的多个业务系统数据矛盾及共享困难等问题。系统采用最新的SOA架构思想、B/S结构模式,依托企业服务总线实现各业务系统数据交换及共享。数据交换与管理模块采用Web Service接口方式实现业务数据的同步,为建设权威、一致的船舶及港航企业主数据库提供数据基础。主题数据展现与分析模块利用数据仓库技术,实现针对不同业务主题的灵活查询、综合统计分析及报表功能。港口管理模块为港口管理业务信息化提供了智能化的平台。通过综合门户为各应用系统提供集中一体化访问入口,简化了系统的使用和管理,完成了各信息系统及数据的集成展现。
Abstract:By analyzing the problems existing in present management system of local maritime bureau,we put forward such function modules as data exchange management,display and analysis of subject data,port management,comprehensive portal and so on to solve the data-sharing problem of different systems. Adopting SOA and B / S,based on ESB,this new system can achieve data exchange and sharing between different systems. Data exchange and management module adopts the Web Service interface to realize data synchronization,which will provide data for authoritative and consistent business database.With data warehouse technology,subject data display and analysis module can provide such functions as flexible query,comprehensive analysis and statistics reporting. Port management module offers a smart platform for the informatization of port management business. The comprehensive portal provides an integrated access for application systems to simplify their use and management.