>> 社会科学版期刊 >> 2014 >> 2014年02期 >> 正文
供稿: 曹风雷 时间: 2018-12-19 次数:



摘要:民国前期,河南邓县水旱灾害频繁,土匪活动猖獗,社会动荡不安,民众大批逃亡,县境内上百万亩土地荒芜。20世纪30年代末,为缓解黄泛区难民压力,河南省政府在邓县成立垦荒办事处,设垦荒区,建设新村,陆续向垦荒区移送黄泛区难民5 000人,组织并协助难民开垦荒地2.2万余亩,解决了这部分难民的生计问题,是救济黄泛区难民的成功之举。不过限于当时的条件,移民垦荒规模较小,对于数量庞大的黄泛区难民来说,实属杯水车薪,救济作用有限。




Abstract:In the early Republic of China, due to frequent floods and droughts in Deng County of Henan Province, the society was unrest with rampant banditry and a large number of people fled homeland, therefore millions of acres of land was barren. In the late 1930s, to ease the pressure in the refugee area, the national government established a reclamation department in Deng County, set up the reclamation area, constructed a new village which 5 000 refugees were gradually transferred to from the flood-stricken area, organized and assisted the refugees reclaiming more than 22, 000 acres of barren land. These moves solved the bread-and-butter issues of refugees, which was pretty successful to relieve the refugees in the flood-stricken area. However, because of the limited condition, the scale of immigration and reclamation was very small, and it was utterly inadequate and limited for the huge number of refugees.
