供稿: 张艳玉;胡航;杨鹏;高泽宇 | 时间: 2020-09-10 | 次数: |
张艳玉, 胡航, 杨鹏,等.基于层次分析法和模糊综合评判法的樊162区块氮气泡沫调驱参数优化研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(5):1-9.
ZHANG Y Y, HU H , YANG P, et al.Study on optimizing parameters of nitrogen foam flooding in Fan 162 oilfield based on analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(5):1-9.
张艳玉1, 胡航1, 杨鹏2, 高泽宇1
1.中国石油大学(华东)石油工程学院,山东 青岛 266580;2.中国石油集团长城钻探公司工程技术研究院,辽宁 盘锦 124010
摘要:樊162区块致密砂岩油藏大型压裂后油井出现了暴性水淹问题,极大地制约了该油藏的高效开发动用。本文提出一种新的氮气泡沫调驱参数优化方法解决上述问题:首先,运用改进的分级模糊综合评判法和层次分析法对窜流通道进行定量识别,结合井间示踪技术验证调驱井;其次,在调驱井决策的基础上,运用正交试验设计方法,通过油藏数值模拟手段对区块氮气沫调驱注入参数进行优化研究。结果表明:利用该方法成功地预测了12处窜流通道中的 10处,预测准确率为83. 3% ;氮气泡沫调驱最优注入参数中起泡剂注入量900 m3,注入速度 15 m3/d,起泡剂质量分数0. 7%和气液比(体积比)2: 1 ;用该方法确定的最优方案15 a采出程度相比常规水驱提高了 4. 31% ,增油14. 58 × 104 m3,含水率降低了 7. 94% ,能够较好地改善该区块油藏的开发效果。
基金项目:国家科技重大专项项目(2016ZX05050,2016ZX05031-002 );中央高校自主创新科研计划项目(17CX02009A);中国石油大 学(华东)研究生创新工程项目(YCX2018021)
Study on optimizing parameters of nitrogen foam flooding in Fan 162 oilfield based on analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation
ZHANG Yanyu1, HU Hang1, YANG Peng2, GAO Zeyu1
1.School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum ( East China) , Qingdao 266580 , Shandong, China;2.Research Institute of Engineering Technology, CNPC Greatwall Drilling Company,Panjin 124010 , Liaoning, China
Abstract:In recent years, there are serious problems of injection water channeling and oil well flooding in tight sandstone reservoir of Fan 162 oilfield, which greatly limits the efficient development and production of the reservoir. In order to solve the water channeling problem in tight sandstone reservoir of Fan 162 oilfield, a novel approach for optimizing the parameters of nitrogen foam flooding was proposed in this paper. Firstly, the improved hierarchical fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and the analytic hierarchy process were used to identify the water channelings quantitatively, and the cross-well tracer technology was used to verify the water channeling. based on the decision of water channelings, the optimization of injection parameters of nitrogen foam flooding was studied by means of numerical reservoir simulation and orthogonal experimental design method. The results showed that 10 out of 12 water channelings were successfully predicted, i. e. , the prediction accuracy of the comprehensive evaluation method was 83. 3% ;The optimal injection parameters of nitrogen foam flooding were as follows : injection amount of foaming agent was 900 m3 , injection rate is 15 m3/d, concentration of foaming agent is 0.7% and gas-liquid ratio was 2: 1 ; The oil recovery of the most efficient strategy determined by this approach was 4. 31% higher than that of conventional waterflooding in 15 years, and increased oil was 145 800 m3 and reduced water content was 7.94% , which meant this approach could improve the development effect of tight sandstone reservoir in the oilfield.
Key words:fuzzy comprehensive evaluation;analytic hierarchy process;Fan 16 oilfield;orthogonal experimental;water channeling;nitrogen foam flooding