供稿: 张文豪;谢建斌;刘道炎;王盛 | 时间: 2020-09-10 | 次数: |
张文豪, 谢建斌, 刘道炎,等.水泥-高钙粉煤灰改良泥炭质土力学性能研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(5):161-167.
ZHANG W H, XIE J B, LIU D Y, et al.Study on mechanical properties of peat soil improved by cement andhigh calcium fly ash[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(5):161-167.
张文豪1, 谢建斌1,2, 刘道炎3, 王盛1
1.云南大学 建筑与规划学院,云南 昆明650500 ;2.昆明军龙岩土工程有限公司,云南 昆明 650021;3.中铁隧道集团有限公司,河北 三河 065200
摘要:为研究水泥与高钙粉煤灰作为添加剂对云南昆明滇池地区泥炭质土改良的可行性和改良效果,分别对泥炭质土和不同掺量下单一掺入改性材料(水泥、粉煤灰、高钙粉煤灰)以及混合掺入改性材料(水泥粉煤灰、水泥高钙粉煤灰)的改性土进行击实试验、渗透试验、标准固结试验、直剪试验和无侧限抗压试验,通过对比分析泥炭质土和各改性土的力学性质试验结果,得出最佳改良方案。结果表明:单一掺料水泥、粉煤灰、高钙粉煤灰和混合掺料水泥粉煤灰以及水泥高钙粉煤灰都对泥炭质土力学性能具有一定的改良效果,其中混合掺料水泥粉煤灰和水泥高钙粉煤灰对泥炭质土的改良效果要优于单一改性材料,且当泥炭质土里掺入6%水泥+ 12%高钙粉煤灰时,改良效果最佳。
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(11862024 ;51264037);云南大学研究生科研创新基金资助项目(YDY2018249)
收稿日期:2019-12-06 00:00:00
Study on mechanical properties of peat soil improved by cement andhigh calcium fly ash
ZHANG Wenhao1, XIE Jianbin1,2, LIU Daoyan3, WANG Sheng1
1.School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500 , Yunnan, China;2.Kunming Junlong Rock Engineering Co., Ltd. , Kunming 650021 , Yunnan, China;3.China Railway Tunnel Group Co. , Ltd. ,Sanhe 065200 ,Hebei, China
Abstract:The feasibility and improvement effect of cement and high-calcium fly ash as additives on peaty soil improvement in Dianchi area of Kunming in Yunnan Province were studied, and compaction test, permeability test, standard consolidation test, direct shear test and unconfined compression test of modified soil mixed with modified soil material( cement fly ash, cement high calcium fly ash ) were adopted. By comparing and analyzing the test results of mechanical properties of peat soil and modified soil, the best improvement scheme was summarized. The results showed that single admixture cement, fly ash, high calcium fly ash, mixed cement fly ash and cement high calcium fly ash had certain improvement effect on the mechanical properties of peat soil. The improvement effect of mixed cement fly ash and cement high calcium fly ash on peat soil was better than that of single modified material, and when 6% cement 12% high calcium fly ash was added into peat soil, the improvement effect was the most remarkable.
Key words:cement;high calcium fly ash;Dianchi area,Yunnan Province;peaty soil;mechanical property