供稿: 陈骏;陈岐范;康一强;赵志伟;张蓝月 | 时间: 2020-09-10 | 次数: |
陈骏, 陈岐范, 康一强,等.深厚表土层立井冻结壁稳定性上限分析[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(5):18-23.
CHEN J, CHEN Q F, KANG Y Q,et al.Upper bound limit analysis of frozen wall stability in deep topsoil shaft[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(5):18-23.
陈骏1, 陈岐范1,2, 康一强1, 赵志伟1, 张蓝月1
1.中国矿业大学(北京)力学与建筑工程学院,北京 100083;2.兖州矿业集团万福煤矿,山东 巨野 274900
摘要:在深厚表土层中采用冻结法建井时,冻结壁的稳定性是影响立井工作面和外层井壁安全的重要因素。本文在考虑深厚表土层中水平地压、混凝土水化热和冻结壁材料属性等因素影响下,采用极限分析中的上限定理建立冻结壁破坏模型,分析冻结壁在不同破坏模式下冻结压力上限值的变化范围及对立井空帮和外层井壁的影响,研究不同角度、不同深度下冻结壁破坏范围及对井壁的影响,并将计算结果与现场实测结果进行对比分析。结果表明,深厚表土层中冻结壁变形造成的冻结压力远大于通过重液公式计算得到的水平地压,随着埋深增加,不仅冻结压力显著增大,而且在冻结壁变形范围扩大时冻结压力增速加快。计算得到冻结壁不同破坏模式下的冻结压力上限值,与实测结果比较,推测出可能的冻结壁变形破坏程度,这有利 指导工程实际。
Upper bound limit analysis of frozen wall stability in deep topsoil shaft
CHEN Jun1, CHEN Qifan1,2, KANG Yiqiang1, ZHAO zhiwei1, ZHANG Lanyue1
1.School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology ( Beijing) , Beijing 100083 , China;2.Wanfu Coal Mine Yanzhou, Coal Mining Company Limited, Juye 274900 , Shandong, China
Abstract:When artificial freezing method is used in the construction of shaft in deep topsoil, freezing wall stability is an important factor of the influence on shaft working surface and outer sidewall safety. Considering the impact of the deep topsoil horizontal ground pressure, concrete hydration heat and freezing wall material properties ,single rigid-body and combined rigid-body forms of frozen wall damage model were built by using limit analysis upper bound theory. Frozen limit pressure value variation range and its influence on outer shaft wall ware obtained. The possibility of freezing wall destruction in different angles and depths, the influence of the damage range of the freezing wall on the hollow wall were studied, and the calculated results were compared with the measured results. The results showed that the freezing pressure caused by the deformation of frozen wall would be far greater than the horizontal ground pressure calculated by liquid formula, with the increasing of buried depth the freezing pressure not only increased significantly, but also with the frozen wall deformation expanding, freezing pressure growth was accelerated. The upper bound values of the frozen pressure were calculated under different failure modes of the frozen wall, and the comparison with the measured results could deduce the possibility of the destruction of the frozen wall,which was favorable to the engineering practice.
Key words:shaft;hollow wall;freezing method;stability analysis;frozen wall