供稿: 孙孝海;谢建斌;赵一锦;陈伟;张文豪;江胜 | 时间: 2020-09-10 | 次数: |
孙孝海, 谢建斌, 赵一锦,等.工业碱渣改性膨胀土室内试验研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(5):154-160.
SUN X H, XIE J B, ZHAO Y J, et al.Laboratory experimental study on industrial alkali residue-modified expansive soil[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(5):154-160.
孙孝海, 谢建斌, 赵一锦, 陈伟, 张文豪, 江胜
云南大学 建筑与规划学院,云南 昆明650500
摘要:为验证工业碱渣改良云南蒙自地区典型膨胀土的效果,通过对比试验探讨不同掺料比的水泥、工业碱渣、水泥+工业碱渣膨胀土的基本特性。结果表明:工业碱渣使素膨胀土的自由膨胀率从71%降至18%,且工业碱渣改性土最小膨胀率仅为水泥改性土的3/4 ;工业碱渣、水泥、水泥+工业碱渣均可改善膨胀土的颗粒级配,工业碱渣在掺料比30%时效果最明显;工业碱渣掺比40%时,素膨胀土塑限从23%增加到37% ,液限从64%降低到42% ,塑性指数从 41.6降低到5.3 ;随着工业碱渣掺料比增加,最大干密度逐渐减小,最优含水率先减小后增大,掺比为30%时,最大干密度和最优含水率达到最优。
Laboratory experimental study on industrial alkali residue-modified expansive soil
SUN Xiaohai, XIE Jianbin, ZHAO Yijin, CHEN Wei, ZHANG Wenhao, JIANG Sheng
School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500 , Yunnan, China
Abstract:In order to verify the effect of industrial alkali residue on improved typical expansive soil in Mengzi area of Yunnan Province, the basic characteristics of expansive soil under different admixture ratios of cement, industrial alkali residue and cement + industrial alkali residue were discussed by way of comparative tests. The improved expansive soil was generally through lime, cement, gravel and so on, and the application of industrial alkali residue in the improvement of expansive soil was rare. Laboratory test were adopted to study on improving of typical expansive soil in Mengzi area of Yunnan Province industrial alkali residue. By controlling different cement amount, industrial alkali residue amount, cement + industry alkali residue amount, the variation of basic characteristics of expansive soil were studied. The test results show : Industrial alkali residue reduced the free expansion rate of pure expansive soil from 71% to about 18% , and the minimum expansion rate of industrial alkali residue modified soil was only 0.75 times of that of cement modified soil. Industrial alkali residue, cement, cement + industry alkali residue all could improve the grading curve of expansive soil, and the effect of industrial alkali residue at the ratio of 30% was the most obvious. When the ratio of industrial alkali residue was 40% , the plastic limit of pure expansive soil increased from 23% to 37% , the liquid limit decreased from 64% to about 42% , and the plasticity index decreased from 41.6 to 5.3.With the increase of the admixture ratio of industrial alkali residue, the maximum dry density decreased gradually, and the optimum moisture content decreased first and then increased. When the mixing ratio was 30% , the maximum dry density and the optimal moisture content reached the optimal values.
Key words:typical expansive soil in Yunnan Province;industrial alkali residue;free expansion rate;liquid lim