供稿: 胡红伟;扶咏梅;刘盼;吴俊峰;马爱顺;胡凯耀;郭一飞;刘彪 | 时间: 2020-09-10 | 次数: |
胡红伟, 扶咏梅2, 刘盼1, 吴俊峰1, 马爱顺2, 胡凯耀1, 郭一飞1, 刘彪1,2,等.挺水植物残体腐解对白龟湖湿地沉积物理化性质的影响[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(5):36-42.
HU Hongwei1, ' 2, FU Yongmei1, LIU Pan1, WU Junfeng2, MA Aishun1, HU Kaiyao1, GUO Yifei1,2,et al.Influence of the decomposition of emergent plant residues on physical property of lake Baigui wetland deposition[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(5):36-42.
胡红伟1, 扶咏梅2, 刘盼1, 吴俊峰1, 马爱顺2, 胡凯耀1, 郭一飞1, 刘彪1,2
1.河南城建学院市政与环境工程学院,河南平顶山 467036;2.河南省水体污染防治与修复重点实验室,河南平顶山 467036
摘要:选取白龟湖湿地常见优势植物菖蒲和芦苇,通过为期60 d的室内模拟试验,研究其倒伏后腐解过程对湿地沉积物理化性质的影响。本文设定了3个生物量密度,分别为2,4,8 g/L, 测定各处理组沉积物理化参数随植物腐解的变化,并通过单因素方差分析和皮尔逊线性相关性分析研究其变化规律。结果表明,枯萎的菖蒲和芦苇虽然在淋溶作用下已损失大量营养盐,但倒伏后依然对沉积物理化性质有较大影响。试验结束时,各处理组沉积物理化参数相较于初始值均发生了明显变化,且与植物种类和生物量密度密切相关。各试验组沉积物TP和 NH<sub>4</sub>—N与水体理化参数和植物腐解速率的皮尔逊线性相关性分析并未发现普遍的规律性。
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51509083、八河南省科技攻关计划项目(172102310356,192102310501、八河南城建学院青年 骨干教师专项资金资助项目
Influence of the decomposition of emergent plant residues on physical property of lake Baigui wetland deposition
HU Hongwei1, ' 2, FU Yongmei1, LIU Pan1, WU Junfeng2, MA Aishun1, HU Kaiyao1, GUO Yifei1,2
1.School qfMunicipal and Environment Engineering, Henan University of Urban Construction, Pingdingshan 467036 , Henan, China;2.Henan Province Key Laboratory of Water Pollution Control and Rehabilitation, Pingdingshan 467036 , Henan, China
Abstract:Through a 60 days indoor simulation experiment, the common dominant plants of Daiguihu wetland, calamus and reed, were selected to study the influence of their decomposition process on the physical acous properties of wetland deposition. Three different biomass densities, 2,4 and 8 g/L, were set up, respectively. The changes of physical parameters of each experimental group with the decomposition of plants were measured ,and the change rules were studied by single factor analysis of variance and Pearson linear correlation analysis. The results showed that the withered calamus and reed had lost a lot of nutrients under the eluviations, but they still had a great influence on the physical properties of the deposition after lodging. At the end of the experiment, the sedimentary physical parameters in each experimental group changed significantly compared with the initial value, and were closely related to plant species and biomass density. Pearson linear correlation analysis of TP and NH<sub>4</sub> -N in deposition with physical parameters of water body and decomposition rate of plants in each experimental group showed that no general regularity was found.
Key words:calamus;reed;wetland deposition;emergent plant residue;decomposition