供稿: 王汉文;原喜忠;雷胜友;郭长志;褚志成;陈虹宇;陈鹏辉 | 时间: 2020-09-10 | 次数: |
王汉文, 原喜忠, 雷胜友,等.基于TVDI的不同土地类型土壤湿度趋势研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(5):50-60.
WANG H W, YUAN X Z, LEI S Y,et al.Study on soil moisture trend of different land types based on TVDI[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(5):50-60.
王汉文, 原喜忠, 雷胜友, 郭长志, 褚志成, 陈虹宇, 陈鹏辉
长安大学 公路学院,陕西 西安710064
摘要:为了解广东省北部韶关市部分区域内不同土地类型的土壤湿度变化趋势,利用Landsat 8相关数据对研究区域进行土地类型分类及土壤湿度监测反演研究,得到一年内各个月具有代表性的温度植被干旱指数(tempreture vegetation drought index, TVDI)。基于TVDI,对研究区土壤湿度的时空分布特征进行描述,并结合土地类型分类,得到几种用地类型的土壤湿度的年变化情况。结果表明,研究区内西侧较为干旱,东侧较为湿润,且一年内土壤湿度大体呈现先降低到一定范围后,保持数月基本恒定,再升高并稳保持定的循环。另外,几种用地类型在一年内土壤湿度变化趋势明显,表现为,3—10月,林地 >草地 >耕地,其余时间为林地>耕地>草地,其中耕地与草地的湿度大小与研究区内人为因素及气候关系密切。
关键词:温度植被干旱指数;土壤湿度时空分布;土地类型;湿度变化趋 势;广东省韶关市
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(59479017);地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(GZ2005-03 )
Study on soil moisture trend of different land types based on TVDI
WANG Hanwen, YUAN Xizhong, LEI Shengyou, GUO Changzhi, CHU Zhicheng, CHEN Hongyu, CHEN Penghui
School of Highway, Chang’an University,Xi’an 710064 , Shaanxi, China
Abstract:In order to understand the change trend of soil moisture of different land types in parts of Shaoguan city in the north of Guangdong Province,Landsat 8 related data were used to carry out the classification of land type and the monitoring and inversion of the soil moisture in the study area, and the representative temperature vegetation drought index( TVDI) in each month of the year was obtained. The temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of soil moisture in the study area were described based on TVDI,and combined with the classification of land types,the annual changes of soil moisture in several land types were obtained. The results showed that the west side of the study area was relatively dry and the east side was relatively humid,and during the year,it generally showed a cycle of decreasing to a certain extent,keeping stable for several months,and then rising and keeping stable. Additionally,obvious changing trends of soil moisture of different land types could be found in the study. Specifically,from March to October,the order of soil moisture from high to low was as follows:forest land,grassland,and cultivated land.However,the order from high to low in the rest of the time was as follows:forest land,cultivated land,and grassland. The humidity of cultivated land or grassland was closely related to human factors and climate in the study area.
Key words:temperature vegetation drought index;temporal and spatial distribution of soil moisture;land type;