供稿: 向道辉;牛肖肖;李章东;刘中云;冯浩人;吴邦福;陈艳斌 | 时间: 2020-09-10 | 次数: |
向道辉, 牛肖肖, 李章东,等.超声辅助磨削淬硬42CrMo钢表面质量试验研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(5):73-79.
XIANG D H, NIU X X, LI Z D, et al.Experimental study on surface quality of hardened 42CrMo steel processed byultrasound-assisted grinding[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(5):73-79.
向道辉, 牛肖肖, 李章东, 刘中云, 冯浩人, 吴邦福, 陈艳斌
河南理工大学 机械与动力工程学院,河南焦作454000
摘要:淬硬42CrMo钢以其高强度、高韧性、优异的淬透性,适用于制造多种高载荷、交变载荷、 高精密等多因素疲劳损伤失效的零件。该材料硬度高,因此普通加工方式加工难度大,加工后表面应力不可控,表面质量差。超声辅助磨削在加工硬脆材料方面具有优异性能,本文采用轴向超声振动辅助磨削方式以及普通磨削方式对淬硬42CrMo钢进行加工试验,使用各种测量仪器测量两种磨削后的42CrMo表面质量并观察分析。结果表明,两种方式加工后工件表面均有残余压应力,超声辅助磨削加工后工件表面残余压应力提高11. 0% ~30. 8% ,形貌优于普通磨削加工的粗糙度降低约80%,显微硬度高于普通磨削约10%。
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51975188 );河南省自然科学基金资助项目(182300410200 );中南大学高性能复合制造国家 重点实验室开放基金资助项目(KFKT2017-09 )
Experimental study on surface quality of hardened 42CrMo steel processed byultrasound-assisted grinding
XIANG Daohui, NIU Xiaoxiao, LI Zhangdong, LIU Zhongyun, FENG Haoren, WU Bangfu, CHEN Yanbin
School of Mechanical and Power Engineering,Henan Polytechhic University,Jiaozuo 454000 , Henan,China
Abstract:Hardened 42CrMo steel is used to manufacture various parts with high loads, alternating loads, high precision and other fatigue damage failure because of its high strength, high toughness and excellent hardenability. The hardness of this material is high, so the common processing method to process it is difficult, and the surface stress is uncontrollable and has poor quality. Ultrasound-assisted grinding has excellent performance in processing hard and brittle materials. In this paper, the experimental analysis of hardened 42CrMo steel was carried out by means of axial ultrasonic vibration-assisted grinding and conventional grinding. The surface qualities of the two grinded steels were measured and analyzed by various measuring instruments. The results showed that the residual compressive stress of the surface was increased by 11. 0%~30. 8% . The surface morphology was better than that of conventional grinding. The surface roughness of the surfacewas reduced by about 80% after ultrasound assisted grinding. The surface microhardness was about 10% higher than that of conventional grinding.
Key words:hardened 42CrMo steel;ultrasound-assisted grinding;surface quality;surface residual stress