供稿: 高冠涛;刘志超;温小萍;方长顺;杜振雷 | 时间: 2020-09-10 | 次数: |
高冠涛, 刘志超, 温小萍,等.负压环境下飞轮造雾系统雾化特性试验研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(5):80-85.
GAO G T, LIU Z C, WEN X P, et al.Experimental study on atomization characteristics of flywheel fogging system under negative pressure environment[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(5):80-85.
高冠涛, 刘志超, 温小萍, 方长顺, 杜振雷
河南理工大学机械与动力工程学院,河南 焦作454000
摘要:为了探究负压环境下飞轮造雾系统的雾化特性,利用FLUENT软件对该系统简化非稳态三维流场进行模拟,并在模拟的基础上搭建实验台进行试验研究。利用LS-2000分体式激光粒度分析仪测量系统出口雾滴索泰尔平均直径,分析负压环境下不同飞轮转速和个数对雾滴平均直径、雾通量和雾场最大射程的影响。结果表明:随着飞轮转速增大,雾滴索泰尔平均直径先减小后增大,转速为1 200 r/min时雾滴平均粒径达到最小值,为88.6 μm ;雾通量随飞轮转速增大而逐渐增大,而雾场最大射程呈现出先减小后增大的变化趋势;随着加装飞轮个数增多,雾通量增大趋势明显,而对雾滴平均直径影响不明显。
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51774115 )
Experimental study on atomization characteristics of flywheel fogging system under negative pressure environment
GAO Guantao, LIU Zhichao, WEN Xiaoping, FANG Changshun, DU Zhenlei
School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University ,Jiaozuo 454000 , Henan,China
Abstract:In order to explore the atomization characteristics of the flywheel fogging system under negative pressure environment,the simplified unsteady three-dimensional flow field simulation of the system was carried out by FLUENT software,and the experimental platform was built on the basis of the simulation. The Sauter mean diameter(SMD) of droplet at the outlet of the system was measured by LS-2000 split laser particle size analyzer. The effects of different flywheel speed and flywheel number on the Sauter mean diameter of droplet, fog flux and the maximum range of fog field in negative pressure environment were analyzed. The experimental results showed that with the increase of flywheel speed, the Sauter mean diameter of droplet decreased at first and then increased,while the maximum range of fog field decreased at first and then increased , but for fog flux,it growed gradually. When the speed was 1 200 r/min, the Sauter mean diameter of droplet was the smallest, which was 88. 6 μm. In addition, with the increase of the number of flywheels, the increasing trend of fog flux was obvious,on the contrary,the effect on the Sauter mean diameter of droplet was not obvious.
Key words:flywheel fogging;negative pressure environment;atomization characteristic;numerical simulation