供稿: 刘正海;马学东;王壮;陈广慧;李玲玲;杨杨 | 时间: 2020-09-10 | 次数: |
刘正海, 马学东, 王壮,等.转载系统中蛇形溜管的DEM模拟研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(5):86-93.
LIU Z H, MA X D, WANG Z, et al.DEM simulation study of serpentine slippery tube in transfer system[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(5):86-93.
刘正海1, 马学东1, 王壮1, 陈广慧1, 李玲玲1, 杨杨2
1.辽宁科技大学 机械工程与自动化学院,辽宁 鞍山 114051;2.鞍钢股份有限公司质检计量中心,辽宁 鞍山 114000
摘要:为改善散体物料装卸或输送过程中出现的颗粒破碎、溜管堵塞等问题,以理论力学为基础,设计一种能够抑制颗粒破碎、减小堵塞概率的矩形截面蛇形溜管,并采用离散单元法 (DEM)对煤炭颗粒在蛇形溜管中的运动行为进行模拟研究。结果表明:(1)蛇形溜管输送煤块颗粒和煤球颗粒过程中,煤块颗粒之间的空隙较小,排列紧密,堵塞溜管的概率较高;(2)蛇形溜管输送物料时,在其斜面及转弯处均形成了力链结构,且蛇形溜管增大了颗粒的实际运动距离、摩擦和接触次数,极大地消耗了颗粒的势能;(3)与竖直溜管输送相比,煤球颗粒在蛇形溜管出口处的平均速度约降低69. 93%,冲击力约降低88.54%,动能约为竖直溜管的1/11,有 效地减小了颗粒破碎概率,保护了颗粒的完整性,物料颗粒实现了“软着陆”。对模拟结果进行试验验证,模拟结果与试验结果吻合。这可为研制高效的蛇形溜管提供理论帮助。
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51775258 )
DEM simulation study of serpentine slippery tube in transfer system
LIU Zhenghai1, MA Xuedong1, WANG Zhuang1, CHEN Guanghui1, LI Lingling1, YANG Yang2
1.School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, University of Science and Technology Liaoning,Anshan 114051,Liaoning, China;2.Quality Inspection and Metrology Centre,Anshan Iron and Steel Company Limited,Anshan 114000 ,Liaoning,China
Abstract:In order to solve the problems of crushing granules and blocking slippery tube during the process of handling or supplying material, a serpentine slippery tube of rectangular cross-section preliminarily was outlined based on theoretical mechanics, to restrain crushing granules and reduce congestion. The sporty behavior of coal particles in the serpentine slippery tube was simulated by using discrete element method (DEM). The results showed that :(1) The interspace of coal particles were arranged closely and tinily, resulting in the higher probability of blocking slippery tube than before during the procedure of delivering coalball particles by serpentine slippery tube; (2)When the serpentine tube transported the material, a force chain structure was formed in the inclined plane and turning place, in addition, the serpentine slippery tube pulled up the actual movement distance and increased times of frictioning and contacting, leading to greatly consuming the potential energy of particles;(3)Compared with vertical slippery tube, the average velocity of coalball particles was reduced by about 69. 93%,the impact was reduced by about 88. 54%,and the kinetic energy was about 1/11 of verticalslippery tube. The possibility of breaking particles was reduced effectively,the integrity of particles was protected,and the“ soft landing“ of material particles was realized.Through the test verification of the simulation results,it was found that the simulation results were in agreement with the test results. This work provided theoretical help for the design of the efficient serpentine slippery tube .
Key words:transfer system;serpentine slippery tube;discrete element method;coal particle