供稿: 李勇;唐智灵 | 时间: 2020-09-10 | 次数: |
李勇, 唐智灵.具有陷波结构的超宽带Vivaldi天线设计[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(5):101-105.
LI Y, TANG Z L.Design of ultra wide-band Vivaldi antenna with notch structure[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(5):101-105.
李勇1,2, 唐智灵3
1.成都理工大学工程技术学院,四川 乐山 614007;2.西南物理研究院,四川 成都 610041;3.桂林电子科技大学 电子工程与自动化学院,广西 桂林 541004
摘要:高速通信系统需要超宽带天线的支撑,衡量超宽带天线的主要技术指标是相对带宽与增益,如何抑制频间串扰也是需要解决的问题,为此,设计一款具有陷波结构的超宽带天线,可以有效隔离各个频点。在典型Vivaldi天线结构的基础上,通过在天线的最大开口处加载1个梯形辐射片,间接构成三角形缝隙实现陷波;将馈电的微带线置于上、下2个辐射片之间的中间层,以电磁耦合的方式给2个辐射片同时馈电。仿真结果表明,天线覆盖的频带范围为2.8 ~ 11.7 GHz,相对带宽为123%,该频带内有6个谐振频点,最大与最小增益分别为9.46 dB和 5.11 dB,同时产生6个陷波频点:4.25 ,5.6,7.4 ,9.05,10.7,12.35 GHz,将各个谐振频点相互隔离。该超宽带天线不仅具有较高的增益,而且也解决了通信串扰的问题。
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(61461013 )
Design of ultra wide-band Vivaldi antenna with notch structure
LI Yong1,2, TANG Zhiling3
1.College of Engineering and Technology, Chengdu University of Technology ,Leshan 614007 , Sichuan,China;2.Southwestern Institute of Physics,Chengdu 610041,Sichuan,China;3.School of Electronic Engineering and Automation,Guilin University of Electronic Technology,Guilin 541004,Guangxi,China
Abstract:High-speed communication systems need support from ultrawide-band antennas,then relative bandwidth and gain are the main technical indexes of UWB antenna,and how to suppress inter-frequency crosstalk is also a problem to be solved. An UWB antenna with notch structure was designed to isolate each frequency point effectively. On the basis of typical Vivaldi antenna’s structure, a triangular gap was indirectly formed by loading a trapezoidal radiating plate at the maximum opening of the antenna, so that the antenna had the property of notch. The microstrip line which was to feed was placed in the middle layer between the upper and lower radiators, and the two radiators were fed simultaneously by means of electromagnetic coupling. Simulation results showed that the range of frequency for the antenna were in 2.8 ~11.7 GHz, and the relative bandwidth was 123%.There were 6 resonance frequency points in the frequency band,then the maximum and minimum gain were 9.46 dB and 5.11 dB respectively. At the same time,6 notch frequency points 4.25,5.6,7.4 , 9.05,10.7,12.35 GHz were generated,and they isolated each resonance frequency point. The UWB antenna had higher gain,and the problem of crosstalk in communication was solved.
Key words:ultra wide-band;Vivaldi antenna;electromagnetic coupling;relative bandwidth;notch structure